Date Night(Part Two of Coffee)

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Part two to Coffee!!! This one is the longest one of all, but it's super cute and fairly hilarious I think. Grab your popcorn and get ready for it cuz there's a kissing scene at the end ;) Also... my readers went from around 100 to 203 in the past 24 hours and I am here for it... SO THANK YOU NEW READERS!


Today was my third date with Bakugo since we met at the coffee shop. I was obviously fairly excited. Why wouldn't I be? It's Bakugo after all. He's a little rough around the edges, but I think I really like him.

We've gone out every Saturday this month, and he's always initiated the dates after the first one. I can't help but think he likes me too, somehow. There's nothing much special about me that I can see, but Bakugo has different eyes.

It's one of the many things I like about him. He sees beauty in things that nobody else can. His perspective is so different than anyone I've ever talked to. It makes every single one of our conversations interesting and unique.

After I was done gushing about him, I checked the time to see that Bakugo had texted me two minutes earlier.

Bakugo: u almost here? It's getting close to 7

"Oh, corn nuts!" I whispered to myself.

The date is at seven... not eight. That takes a whole hour out of my time! I haven't put on clothes OR done my hair!

"Uh..." I said as I typed.

Me: yea I'm omw

Okay... So I'm definitely not on my way... And I have thirty minutes to get there. I can half the time it takes to get there if I take an Uber or something, so we should be all good, save for the fact that it takes me thirty minutes to do my hair...

I groaned out loud and made a filet decision to skip it and try one of those braided styles Mina showed me.

I already asked her to come over and show me what to wear yesterday. She thought she'd be the best help since she works where we're going. Of course, her shift will be over by the time we get there.

She picked a nice cream color tee with a navy blue(and extremely oversized) jacket that went down to just above my knee. This was paired with some washed out blue jeans and my white vans. After putting everything on, I thought I looked pretty cute. In a manly way of course.

I sighed when I thought about my hair. I barely remembered the style Mina had shown me, but I tried my best. I brushed it out for a bit before braiding it back on both sides to meet into a bun. I started in the mirror for a few seconds, proud of my work, before popping an earring in my right ear. I giggled to myself for even thinking to do that, grabbed my wallet and my keys, and headed out of the door.


The closest Uber was fifteen minutes away, and I only had ten to even get there, so I called my best friend Kaminari, who lived in the neighborhood.

He happily and calmly drove about ten miles over the speed limit, nearly going on the wrong side of the road when a light turned red, and narrowly missing hitting a child by a park that we took a 'detour' through. All while keeping a straight and calm face.


"Dude... I'm never letting you drive me anywhere again, " I said, more than a little shaken up at the near-death experience.

"Whaaaat? It was fine bro!" he replied, slurring his words. Only just now realizing he was probably drunk, I took off my seatbelt and stepped out of the car.

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