Pocky(Part 2 of Pick Up Line)

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Because who doesn't love a good pocky challenge?? By the way, this is a part two to Pick Up Line and Nervous. I really like that storyline so I thought I'd tie these together. This oneshot contains some other ships that I like, so sorry if you don't like them;-; (Ochatsyu, TodoDeku, MomoJirou, KamiSero) Hope you enjoy!

~Bakugo's POV~

I sat in the classroom talking to Kiri about the show we had watched together. He was raging about the final season which had both of us upset, but I couldn't help but think about how cute he is when he's mad.

His face gets all red and he waves his hands around. It's a miracle he hasn't fallen yet since he's sitting on my desk. Plus, he never finishes a single sentence. Altogether, it was enough to make me zone out every few seconds.

It had been a bit over a month since he'd confessed to me, and I've been pretty happy with our relationship. I couldn't help but smile as I recalled that day...

I mean, at least until that round-face nearly broke the damn door down.

"Deku! I just bought a box of pocky and I don't know what to do with them, " she yelled as she ran across the classroom to his seat.

"Oh? Well, why don't you just eat them?" Deku responded.

"No, stupid! I already know what I'm doing with them, "

"Then why'd you ask?"

"Dunno. Anyway, we're doing the Pocky Challenge!" she yelled for the whole classroom to hear.

That damn grape sprung up from his seat, only to immediately sit back down after a chop to the forehead from Iida, who seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Mineta will not be participating, " he said coldly as he returned to his seat.

The whole class had their eyes on Round Face now. Very few people were actually dating anyone, so they were all excited to start something I guess. The only couples here are Kiri and me, Icy Spicy and Deku, Round Face and Frog Girl, and Pikachu and Tape Elbows.

I laughed to myself as I thought about the pre-existing couples.

The straight people in here have no chance if there are any.

"Who wants to go first?" Round face asked loudly.

Nobody moved an inch.

"Nobody wants to go first huh? Well, I guess I'll just have to pick someone, " she said sighing.

She tapped the corner of the picky box on her chin before smiling and opening the box. She pulled a pocky stick out of the box and pointed it at that emo girl who I couldn't care to remember.

"Jirou! You first, " she yelled even louder.

"U-um ok? With who?" she responded quietly.

"Yaoyorozu, duh. We all know you like her, " she replied matter of factly. She pipped her head up at the mention of her name.

'Jirou', who I've just decided to call Emo Girl, along with Yao-Momo, blushed a bright red. Emo Girl walked up to Round Face to get the pocky and then walked over to Momo.

They were both blushing hard, and their faces were probably as hot as the sun. Emo girl bit onto the bare end of the pocky stick and Momo bit the other.

I turned to Kiri who watched with anticipation while tapping his finger on the table.

They both nibbled on their side of the pocky. They were never very far apart to begin with, but they were about two inches from touching noses now.

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