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I'm gonna be honest with you right now. I legit forgot to post this yesterday. I straight up forgot. It was finished and edited and everything. I just. Forgot. :) I came up with this chapter idea an a whim and I wanted to see it just for myself so here we are. Enjoy!!

~Kirishima's POV~

I hummed as I walked through the hallways of our nearly empty dorm. The whole class had gone out bowling, but I had to stay behind because I have a cold.

I was fairly certain I was alone as I sniffled and trudged towards the kitchen and common room. It was early in the afternoon and I had just woken up. I'd slept in especially late today, given I was sick and it was a Saturday.

I stretched my arm out behind my head as I turned the corner into the kitchen.

What should I eat...? I thought to myself as I glanced around the large kitchen, visualizing what was in each one of the cabinets.

After deciding I was in more of a mood for sweets, I opened the cabinet next to the fridge and fished around the bags of sweets. I almost ripped into a bag of Twizzlers, but they were labeled with a black sharpie.

For Mina only! Touch and I'll cut you. :D

Mina often hung out in the boys common room and had her designated snacks that she kept here. Most of us learned the hard way not to touch them.

I settled on something else and grabbed a large bag of caramel popcorn. I pulled it open and spun on my heel to walk out of the kitchen.

I threw a few pieces in my mouth and walked into the common room, flipping onto the couch and grabbing the tissue box.

I hummed as I noticed that the TV was already on and started looking for the remote.

That's when I noticed him.


Bakugo was curled up in the corner of the couch with the remote clutched in his hand. He was completely knocked out and I wouldn't be surprised if he had been sleeping for a while.

Just how adorable he looked isn't the entire reason I couldn't stop staring though. Or the reason I could suddenly feel my face heating up.

It's what he was wearing.

He was wearing an oversized sweater that was watermelon pink and a black skirt with matching black thigh highs.

Of course, I had no idea what in the fresh hell was going on or why but I wasn't complaining. At all.

Woah... he's so... adorable!

I started freaking out to myself as I tried to think of what to do. Bakugo. Bakugo 'I'll blow your face off' Katsuki is laying in front of me in a skirt.

"OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod..." I whispered to myself, trying to ignore my stuffy nose and banging headache.

I've never seen him like this before so he definitely wouldn't want anyone finding out... should I just leave and pretend I didn't see him?

No! Someone else would find him here... probably the whole group once they get back. He wouldn't be too happy about that.

I'll just... Take him to his room...

I sat the popcorn down on the table and walked over to him, sliding my hands under the nape of his neck and the back of his knees.

I gently and slowly lifted him from the couch so I didn't wake him up and walked towards his room. It was a fairly short walk, and I was thankful for it too. Waking Bakugo up is usually a hell of a bad time but like this? It would be a miracle if I survived.

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