Nightmare (KiriBaku Month #1)

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Trigger Warning: brief mention of alcohol abuse

So uh, this is depressing(and a day late). Hope you can still enjoy it anyway though! I really like this chapter despite the fact that I almost cried while writing it. By the way, sometimes I'll just pick random prompts from the month if I dont wanna do the ones from that week. Enjoy~~

Kirishima's POV (present tense)

I open my eyes.

I can't remember how I got here, and I can't think of any way out. I can't see any way out.

I'm floating. The air around me is thick. Not air. What is it? The abyss. The void. The dark.

I hate to be vague. That's what it is.

It's pitch black. I can't breathe. Am I drowning? Is this death?

Panic starts to set in as I begin swimming forward. Swimming? Drifting? Moving? Purposeful floating. I'm floating forward with a purpose.

I think.

There's nothing here. Or anywhere else. I can't see anything, nor can I feel, or taste, or smell.

But I can hear. The familiar, smug laughter of someone far away.

I'm purposely floating towards it, but I think it's getting farther away. I try going faster, but it's almost like I'm moving away from it.

I know that laugh. I wish I could remember who...

I love that laugh. If I could bottle it up and keep it to myself forever, I would. That would be so cruel, though. To keep such a laugh to myself is a crime.

I can feel myself smile. It's almost as if I can feel someone else there. But it's so far away, how could I feel?

I open my eyes again.

The darkness melts away before me and my feet connect with the floor. The... ground?

I'm at school. At Yuuei. In the courtyard. Alone. I haven't been here in four years. I can't remember how I got here either.

It seems that I wouldn't be able to remember a single thing for my life.

Four years, huh? I was happy then, I think. I don't really remember why. I do remember, however, the laugh was here just for me. It was so rare, and so special, and just for me.

These hallways probably hold memories. Ones that I probably locked away. Probably last year. When the laugh wasn't for me anymore.

It's not for anyone anymore.

I wish I could remember who the laugh belonged to. Maybe I could ask to hear it again. Up close this time. It's so far away now.

My chest is warming up. It's almost as if I can feel someone there. But it's so, so far away, how could I feel?

I open my eyes again again.

Someone is standing in front of me in the courtyard. I recognize this body, but his eyes were locked into an emotionless stare.

I'm glad I know him, but I can't remember where from. I do remember, however, that I cared about him more than I should've. I remember that that was a bad idea.

I remember that getting so attached to him so quickly was the worst thing I've ever done.

He's standing still. His hands are in his pockets. His face is in a light smirk like he knows something I don't. I remember that I liked to see him smile a lot more than I liked to see him smirk.

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