Injury Part One

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Let me tell you right now that I was not excited to get to this prompt and I cried while writing it. Just once though. Once. ANYWAY, there is no happy ending here so you have nothing to look forward to. Have a nice day if at all possible.


My fingers were tangled together with Eijirou's who was lying unconscious in a hospital bed. We had been there for two weeks now, and hell if I was leaving any time soon.

He had been put in a coma by some falling debris. A building was collapsing, and as per fucking usual, he took care of everyone but himself. He was one of the four casualties. He took care of everyone but three people and himself.

Goddamnit Eijirou... You promised me.

You promised me that you would be careful. You promised me you knew you weren't invincible. You promised that you'd stay safe for me.

And now you're here in a fucking coma.

I studied his resting face. It was almost as if he was sleeping, but his eyebrows were ruffled as if he were having a bad dream. He hadn't changed since he got here.

A two week long bad dream, I thought. Must be terrible.

I felt bad for him until I realized that I was having the same experience, only real. The love of my life was in a coma with little hope of waking up, and who knows how much longer this is gonna last.

I felt hot tears stream down my face as I imagined the rest of my life without him.

Fuck... Please wake up...

I remembered the first time he was hospitalized. He had a major injury and had to stay for a week so he could heal properly. Even after that, he couldn't work for a month. Even though there were no fatal injuries, there was a lot of painful injuries, and I could barely pull through taking care of him while seeing him in that much pain.

I lectured him about being careful about ten times during the month that he was home.


"You always take care of everyone but yourself! I knew you'd get hurt one day, now look at you!"

"I know Katsu, I'm sorry... But I'm okay now! I'm back home, and everything is fine!"

"Fine? You were in the hospital for a fucking week Ei! I was worried sick, I could barely sleep!" I yelled a little too loudly. He stared at me in surprise at how upset I was getting.

"Ei I'm sorry... I just don't want you to get seriously hurt." I said, walking up to him and interlocking our fingers.

He pressed his forehead against mine, "Ya know Katsu, I think the universe hates me, " Eijirou whispered.

I let out an amused sigh, "I wouldn't doubt it..."

"But I SURVIVED SO HAH, " he yelled suddenly.

This grown ass man just tried to trash talk the universe.

"You're such a fucking child Eijirou, " I laughed, smacking him over the head.


That day, he promised to be careful for me. He said he wouldn't be in the hospital for that long ever again. He told me he hated seeing me worried about him.

He promised me. He broke his promise.

But I'll forgive him as long as he wakes up. As long as he survives long enough for me to forgive him I will. He just has to wake up.

᪥𝕜𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕒𝕜𝕦 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤᪥Where stories live. Discover now