Truth | Part One

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This chapter was requested by Mr_wd40. Hope you like it!
Month long hiatus part 4 is over!! And now I'm back with a new update schedule!!!! If you didn't see it on my message board, I'm updating on the 15th and last day of every month, not including special chapters. Hope you guys enjoys even though it's kinda all over the place but whatever bye ¯\_()_/¯

~Mina's POV~

"PINKY, OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" I heard a familiar voice yell from the other side of my dorm room door.

Of course, Bakugo had to come to disturb me while I was reading my yaoi manga...

It's not like I didn't know he was here, he'd been banging on my door for what felt like hours.

I stood up, threw my manga under my bed, and walked over to the door to see just what was so important that he came to bother me on a Saturday evening.


I sighed and moved out of the way so he could come in.

"What is it now?" I grumbled as he flopped down in my hot pink desk chair.

"Well, I was fighting with Deku and—"

"What's new?" I said nonchalantly as I sat down on my bed.

"And I was yelling at him and—"

"I know. I heard you from here."

"BITCH." He yelled suddenly.

I put my hands up by my face and he continued.

"And he asked me why I hate him so damn much," I nodded, not really caring, "and then I said 'I don't hate you, I'm just jealous of you'! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?"

My eyes widened in surprise, since with actually couldn't believe that.

"Then what happened?"


"Well, was it true?"

"Yes," we both stared at each other for a second before the silence was broken, "WHAT THE HELL?"

"Can you stop yelling for a minute you little bastard?"

"Sorry, I'm panicking."




"Are you feeling ok?"

"Not at all. I'm really scared and I came to you because I don't know what to do."

"This shit's unnatural."


I stood up from my bed and shook my head.

"Umm... ok so..." I mumbled, "Are you, like, trying to say this stuff? Or is it just coming out?"

"It's like, I'm just blurting out shit that I don't mean to say without thinking, and I can't stop."

"Ooooh. Okay, that got us nowhere," I sighed, "Do you think it's just the first thing that comes to mind, or what?"

"I dunno..."

"Alright, I'll ask you some questions then... what's your first name?"


"What color is the sky?"

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