Okinawa Part Two

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I'm gonna put this in its own book cuz it's not near over, but I wanna move on to more prompts so that's the last of this you'll get here. I have so many books being planned, but most of them(including this one) are just reaaaally long oneshots. Should I make a book for just really long ones? Let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

~Bakugo's POV~

I cannot believe that just happened. Fuck my whole entire life, I thought as I walked off of the bus.

I went to go retrieve my bags from underneath the bus and started walking towards Present Mic, who was many to be leading us through the airport.

Kirishima came off of the bus soon after, walking and talking to Kaminari and Sero as if nothing ever happened.

Maybe... It really was nothing to him.

My eyes fell at the thought. Deep down I knew there was no chance that Kirishima liked me, but I still hoped anyway.

If he doesn't care, then neither should you! Get your shit together Bakugo! When did I get so soft...?

I already knew how I got this way. Being with Kirishima all the time finally took its toll. He's definitely rubbing off on me, and it's not a bad thing, but falling for him, or anyone, this easily is definitely a negative side effect.

"Bakubro! Wait up!" I heard Sero yell after me.

I turned around and waited for them to catch up. My face was still warm, so I'm sure I was still blushing, but when I realized, it was too late.

Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima finally made their way up to me and we all continued walking to Present Mic. They were chattering about this and that, but I wasn't really paying attention.

I was too busy trying to ignore the obvious stare I was getting from Kirishima. I was just about to ask him what the fuck he was doing until Kaminari interrupted me.

"Why is your face so red Bakubro?" he said, poking me in the cheek.

"First off, get your damn hands away from me, Pikachu. Secondly, it's fuckin hot out here, " I said, using the best excuse I could think of.

"Its really... not? The sun isn't even out yet! It's only four thirty in the morning bro, "  Sero responded.


"Whatever dude, " Kami said, rolling his eyes.

I saw Kirishima giggle from the corner of my eye, and I blushed even harder.

He knows... Damn it.

"AAAAAAAAALLRIGHTY EVERYONE," Mic yelled, "Before we go in, let's get a couple things straight. Absolutely NO quirk activation is allowed in the airport, or on the plane. For those of you who's quirks might interfere with the metal detectors, you will be sent to the X-Ray room. No, we will not be getting food, but you can eat on the plane. Got it?"

Everyone nodded and we all made our way in.


After we got through the bag check(which Kaminari had whined through the whole way) it was about five. We have an hour until boarding left and the line for security was short. Thank God for it too, I couldn't listen to anyone whining for much longer.

Kirishima had his earbuds in the whole time since he was probably too tired to entertain anyone. Let me just say, I've never related to anyone more in my life.

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