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So I had this finished on the scheduled date but forgot to post it. My dumbass was sitting there wondering why there were no comments or anything -_- . Anyway, this is kinda long and starts slow. I think it's more just Kiri thirsting over Bakugo but hey. Whatever. This was requested by @Imnotyoursugardaddy so come get y'all juice. Enjoy!!

~Kirishima's POV~

"Kirishima don't be an asshole!" Kaminari whined from my couch.

"I'm not, I'm just tired." I stood in my kitchen, wiping down the counters after Mina spilled vodka all over them.

"But you're the only one with a car!" He yelled again, dragging out the 'a' sound.




"Not even for a little bit?"

"Not at all."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't feel like going to a club just to watch you grind on Sero all night."

Sero, who was in an intense match of Super Smash Bro's against Mina, looked up from the screen and chucked an empty Gatorade bottle at me.

I quickly knocked it out of the way and walked into the living room, already annoyed by Kaminari's whining.

"Kaminari, give me one good reason why I should drive you dumbasses all the way out there at eleven at night," I sighed.

"I'll give you three!" Mina piped in suddenly.


"One, you're single, two, there's a new band playing tonight."

"There's always a new band playing at Midnight's. They can't be anything special."

"But that's the thing, they are special," Kaminari cut in, "This isn't their first show or anything. They've done better, and they're actually pretty popular now. It's an indie rock band."

This had piqued my interest, as everyone knew I had a soft spot for rock bands.

"It's a cover show tonight since they're hiding their new songs until the album, but it's still gonna be pretty sick!" Sero added.

"How do you guys know so much about them, and I don't have a clue?" I said, a little confused.

"Because the lead singer is one of my very close friends," Mina said proudly.

"Oh yeah? And who would that be?"

"Kyoka Jirou."

I felt like I recognized the name, maybe from a previous conversation, but I knew I didn't know her.

"And that brings me to my aforementioned third reason; she wanted me to come so I could check out her new song after the show," Mina continued.

I thought it out for a minute. What the hell did I plan on doing for the rest of the night? Absolutely nothing. I didn't have work tomorrow and I definitely didn't feel like getting my ass kicked by Mina on Smash Bro's.

"Ffffucking fine!"

Everyone cheered and Mina rushed into my bathroom while Sero and Kami headed to the guest room, all three of them holding clothes that I never noticed before.

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