Pool Party

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Heyoooo! I'm back! I'm thinking about doing a once a week update since I'm also doing my book(which does have a true schedule yet). What do you guys think? If that sounds good to you I'll make it official. This oneshot was requested by @ThatOneRandom_Kid . I changed it a little bit, but I hope you still like it! Enjoy guys!

~Bakugo's POV~

"BAKUBROOO!" I heard someone yell as they busted down my door.

I looked up suddenly from my phone. Kirishima stood in my doorway in swim trucks and arm tubes holding a shark floatie.

"Jesus fucking Christ— What the hell are you doing in here and where are your clothes?" I said sharply.

"Sero wanted us to come to the pool with him and Denki. You up for it?"

"Define us."

"The whole class..." he mumbled, scratching the back of his head, "I've been going door to door."

I sighed and shook my head at him.

"I'm not going with the whole fuckin class. That's just not gonna happen."

"Aw, come on! It'll be fun!"

"No, it won't."

"Do it for Sero!"

"Definitely not."

"Do it for me?" he whined, flashing his irresistible puppy eyes at me.

I glared at him and contemplated the pros and cons.

Everyone in the whole goddamn class at the pool? Con. Making Kirishima happy? Pro. Deku being within a fifty-foot vicinity? Con. Seeing Kirishima shirtless for a little bit longer...

I chewed my lip as I threw this option around in my head.

Definitely worth it.

"Fine," I said finally.

"Wait, really? Yes!" he cheered, pumping his fist in the air.

He stood there in the doorway, bouncing up and down, and I silently waited for him to close the door so I could change.

Shortly after, I realized he didn't get the memo.

"You gonna get out, or...?" I said, waving my hand at him.

"O-oh!" he gasped, stepping out of the doorway and closing it, "Yeah, sorry!"

As soon as he left, I went over to my drawer and pulled out my orange and red swim trunks with black palm trees stretching towards the hem.

I sighed and wondered to myself if he was really that excited about hanging out with me, or if he just wanted to go to the pool.

I hoped it was the former option in spite of myself. I had known that I liked Kirishima for a long time, and I was slowly starting to convince myself that he liked me too. Even though I didn't really want him to.

To be honest, I wasn't scared of liking him. I was scared of hurting him. I was scared of losing him. My solution to the problem was that I can't lose something I never had in the first place.

I shook the thought from my head and tried to get into a good mood. Or, a not 'not angry' mood rather.

I got my sandals, towel, and phone and opened my door to see Kirishima leaning on the wall across from me and fidgeting nervously.

When he noticed me, he looked up and quickly put his hands behind his back. His cheeks blushed over lightly as he looked me up and down.

I pretended not to notice and threw my towel over my shoulders.

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