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MY WHOLE WATTPAD CRASHED WITH THE NEW UPDATE AND I COULDN'T OPEN THE APP. But I'm back now and I have a lot to catch up on ;-; Enjoy dis cuteness.


The tapping from the keyboard on my phone was the only noise in the room, and I wasn't really enjoying it. It had been the most boring Saturday since Saturday's had been invented. I was not here for it. I usually had something to do, but today I didn't, and it was the most boring thing I have ever experienced.

Wait... I have friends! I thought to myself as I sat up quickly on my couch. I promptly clicked on a contact in my favorites page.

It rang for about a half of a second before I heard a voice.

"Sup dude?"

"Hey bro! I'm super bored, so I thought I'd ask if you wanted to go somewhere or something?" I asked hopefully.

"Ooooh... are you asking me on a date Kirishima? You know I have a boyfriend," he joked. He and Sero had been together since high school. How could I not know?

"Yeah whatever... bring him too. I'll call Mina and we can meet up at the shopping center."

"Alright. See ya dude," he said before hanging up.

I walked into my bedroom to get dressed and ended up going with one of my favorite outfits.

A red oversized sweatshirt that was big to the point that I could easily flop Mina the the face with the end of the sleeves. I obviously never held back from doing this, and it was one of the many reasons it was my favorite sweatshirt.

There was a dark maroon skull in the middle, and its the only thing about my appearance right now that makes me look badass.

I slid on some black sweatpants with white striped cuffs and made my way to the bathroom to do my hair.

I stared in the mirror for what felt like hours before sighting loudly.

"Not doin that. Not today," I huffed as I walked out of the room. I was really not in the mood to stay in the house any longer.

I pulled my red converses on my the door, grabbed my keys and my skateboard, and walked out.


As I rode down the sidewalk, avoiding small rocks, puddles of water and the occasional pedestrian, I thought about how good the wind felt on my face and how oddly flowery the air smelled.

My hair likely would've ruined in the wind anyway, I thought as I brushed my hair out of my face for the hundredth time.

I sighed quietly. That's gonna get annoying.

After awhile, I turned into the shopping plaza. The trip was only about ten or so minutes, but the constant hair swooping along with my itch to get out and see my friends made it feel like forever. I stopped and picked up my skateboard as I decided where I could wait for Kaminari and the others to get here.

No clothing stores, those don't have chairs. A restaurant should be alright... STARBUCKS!

I really do like Starbucks, even if it does sound basic. Sero teases me about it all the time, but it think it's great.

I hummed to myself in satisfaction as I sling my skateboard strap over my shoulder and pushed open the door.

"Welcome t— oh... Hello there," an ash blond boy welcomed me in as he grinned, looking slightly more intrigued than he had been before.

I giggled slightly as his sudden enthusiasm, "Hey," I said, shooting him one of my signature smiles, and walking up to the counter, not breaking eye contact.

"What can I get you?"he said in a soft, modulated voice.

"White chocolate mocha frappe, triple shot," I replied quickly. It was an easy question since I got the same thing every time. Everyone always thought the name sounded intimidating, but not nearly as intimidating as what I was going to say next.


He looked at me exactly how I expected. Intimidated. I let out an amused breath as he turned around to grab the massive cup that still didn't seem quite big enough when I finished.

He whipped back around with the cup in his hand, and I noticed how pretty he was. In a manly sort of way of course.

His cheeks looked soft but his jawline could surely cut me. His rosy lips fit his face perfectly. His sharp eyes seemed to stare into my soul and I stared right back.

"Can I have a name?" the words rolled off of his tounge like honey and the way he was looking at me made me lose my breath for a sec.

"Kirishima." I said in a voice that may have come out a bit lilting.

He started scribbling on the plastic cup before turning around to make my drink. The coffee shop was empty, save for some kid with white hair in the corner on his computer.

The comfortable lack of speaking made the cafe seem like a soft and homey place. The whirring of the coffee machine and the tapping of the keyboard.

My phone dinged and I pulled it out of my pocket to see who had texted.

Denki: Where r u
Denki: were all here

Me: Starbucks

Denki: K were coming

I slipped my phone back into my pocket just in time to get my drink. I was waiting at the counter, so he didn't have to call my name. He simply slid my drink over to me, so I popped the straw in and was about to head on my way when I remembered that I didn't know this barista's name.

"Oh, one more thing?" I said, turning around quickly.

We turned to face me as well and hummed in response.

"Your name?" I asked with a slightly sly smile.

He matched my facial expression, "S'on the cup. I get off at five."

I gave him a look of confusion before looking at the cup and realizing he was right.

Bakugo Katsuki

When I looked up, he was gone. Likely to the back room. I heard a small giggle from the corner of the room, and glanced over to see the white haired boy had taken his headphones off and was peeking over his computer.

I shrugged at this, and sat down to wait for my friends who arrived nearly seconds after.

We shopped around a bit, got food, just hung out. I had fun, but my mind was partly elsewhere. I was just waiting to get home so I could call Bakugo now.


When we finally parted ways and I made it back to my apartment,  it was around 5:30 and I rushed to call Bakugo so he didn't think I stood him up.

I dialed the number and added to my contacts. The phone rang twice before he picked up. His naturally husky voice washed over me as he spoke.

"Who's this?"

"It's Kirishima... from the coffee shop,"

"Oh, hey Shitty Hair,"


Well that's done... hope you enjoyed! I thought that this one was cute! I mean it's not fluffy but, ya know. I have a lot to catch up on soooo gotta get writing! Caio!

Word Count: 1,148

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