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I got sick at school and threw up everywhere and now everything is late goddamnit. It'll be fine though it's fine. Anyway I have been wanting to write something like this for a loooong time so I'm glad it was part of KiriBaku week. Enjoy!!~

~Bakugo's POV~

"Hey, Katsuki?" Eijirou called from the kitchen.


"So, you know how we've been living together for six years?" he said slowly.

Why is he asking me this?


"And how we've been married for two of those six years?" he continued.


"And how it's been just the two of us living together?"

Oh hell no.

"Where are you going with this?" I said as I started making my way towards him.

"Well um, I was thinking that we should... uh..." he stumbled over his words, getting visibly nervous.

I crossed my arms and leaned up against the fridge, nodding for him to continue.

"I was thinking... we could get a pet?"

I slammed my hand on the top of the counter and glared at Ei as he jumped and started laughing.

"I fuckin knew you were gonna say that! It was either that or some damn kids and you know I don't fuck with kids!" I snapped as I waved a finger in Ei's face.

"No no, we'll get to the whole kids thing later," he replied defensively.


"Anyway, could we get a dog? From a shelter or something maybe, "


"Oh come on Katsuki! It's just us two here, and I get bored sometimes!"

"That's what you've got me for Eijirou, "

"Well yeah, but when you're at work and I'm here alone since we have patrol at different times—"

"Goddamnit Ei..."I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Whaaaaaaat?" he sang, a smile spreading across his face.

I shot a glare over at him and his smile grew. There was one simple fact that I'd rather not accept right now(or ever), but we both knew.

He knows he's winning.

"Ah, fuck it..." I said, throwing my arms down by my sides.

"Oh my God Katsuki, really?" he exclaimed.

"Are you trying to make me change my mind?"


"Then shut up and get in the car."

He laughed and giggles all the way to the shoe closet and back out to the car.

When I got outside, I found Ei sitting in the drivers seat like he was about to go somewhere. He's tried this shit before but he knows damn well that I haven't let him drive my car since he bought it.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I demanded.

"Oh come on Kat, you don't even know where we're going!" he whined.

"Like you do?"

"You really think I haven't looked at dogs before? I look at dogs like every other day Katsuki."

᪥𝕜𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕒𝕜𝕦 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤᪥Where stories live. Discover now