● Chapter 1 : 4 1/2 Years ago ●

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WARNINGS: Kidnapping


(??? P.O.V) 

" Help someone!"  Izuku screamed. He struggled in the hold of the villain. Ripping his arms away from the black haired male. Wrists and forearms bleeding and burnt. A tug on his shirt brought him back to the arms of the older male. 

" Shut up you brat, you'll get us caught, " Dabi whispered as he held Izuku in choke hold. Covering his mouth. Inserting a metallic device into his neck so his quirk wouldn't activate anymore. " Toga hurry your ass up! "

" Can you wait, you're so desperate.."  Toga continued to get the things to drug the teen. The fire user was getting impatient and threw Izuku to the ground harshly bruising the greenette's arms and shoulders, in the process. Attempting to get up and use his quirk he got punched in the stomach, losing some of the oxygen in his lungs. Dabi then beat him more, kicking him in the stomach, and stomping on him. Wheezing as he rolled over, coughing up the warming carmine liquid. Using him like sandbag. Soon, everything went black for teen, leaving him unconscious. Limp on the ground like nothing had happened. 

 Grabbing the teenager by the collar on his T-Shirt, and dragging him across the dirty concrete of the alley where he was. "Don't call me desperate. Now here's the kid, it shouldn't have taken so long, Toga," Dabi complained. 

"Alright let's take him to Tomura now, " Toga said with smile. Taking the 17 year into the back of their truck. Laying him down as they cuffed him. 

" Yeah let's go do that and leave our 2nd target on the ground huh? Hide that body, I don't want to see it." He hissed at her.

" We'll just take the with us body, and- "

" And what?"

" Then we'll" She paused thinking. "You'll burn her to a crisp"

He sighed, " No, Toga, just do it simply, hide it behind, the god damn fucking dumpster!"

" Ooh~. Hehe, never thought of it, sorry, " Toga apologized. Leaning in closer she spoke again. " But won't they find her?"

" I don't give fuck," He growled." I burned down fucking apartment for fucks sake. Now get your ass in the car, the police will be after us soon."

As the duo returned from their trip, they went inside taking the unconscious male with them. As Shigaraki took Izuku setting him on a metal table with other people in the room, they tied him to said " table ". Slowly waking up from his sleep, he freaked out when he saw the villain in front of him.

" You'll make and excellent pet for someone, never would have thought for green Neko, natural green's aren't common as much," Shigaraki said. " But, what's better is that quirk you got, Izuku, I could kill you at any moment, or steal your quirk. "

They were ready to start their work after "calming" the greenette. Izuku was going to be experimented on from human to Neko. They first shaved all of Izuku's forest green hair. The experiment lasted around 3 to 6 days. The experiment left Izuku in a coma for 7 months, but it wasn't enough time for the injections to settle. So when he woke up from the coma he was really sore from his back from some of the surgeries. Had head aches multiple times, same for his lower back. An aching pain. The injections were settling into his body, different muscles developing. Cat ears. His tail bone growing as a tail. The smooth and silky fur developed on his tail and ears, the growth of these extra body parts taking 9 months. During this Izuku's hair was growing, but became purple.

When these body parts were growing he was in another room, take note he was isolated in a room with another experimented on student he knew, called Shinsou. He was a bit shy at first but after being reminded that they were together in high school, and being together for a long 16 months of learning other things, they got along. During the time they spent together they grew closer, and Izuku learned how to move his tail and ears on command, and also to become a cat at times. Both had to wear collars with a cone shaped object in the inner side of the collar. This monitoring their heart rate, where they were, and insuring during the time being here their quirks wouldn't work at all. Before Shinsou was taken, Izuku was sitting on the ground, trying to go to sleep, but overhearing a conversation that Shinsou was going to be sold off to someone.

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