● Chapter 8 : Just a Nightmare ...●

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WARNINGS: Minor Cursing,  Minor Violence, Indication Of Rape


( ??? P.O.V )

Katsuki went inside Izuku's bedroom, and lied the Omega on his stomach. ' On second thought I should change his clothes ' . Grabbing some of his own clothes being a white T-Shirt, and some black sweats from when it was around his last year of High School. He went inside Izuku's room and stripped him of his clothes and changed him into the clothes he had on hand. He closed the door, and went to his car to grab whatever they got from the mall. He wanted to wake up Izuku, so he would take suppressants for his heat, but he didn't want to disturb his sleep. While grabbing some food to eat, he fought the urge to fuck him right then and there. While, the young greenette slept, having a " good " dream about a certain Alpha. Well that certain Alpha sure had to keep himself under control, as he was forced into rut due to Izuku's heat. He held himself back from probably raping the poor Omega in his sleep.


"  K- Kacchan mhn, wha-what are you doing?"

" I don't know, what does it look like, " the Alpha snarled.

The Omega struggled to get out of the grasp the Alpha on top of him, making the other frustrated. Being scared as to what the blond might do, he let out distressed pheromones. He looked around, understanding that they were their high school selves. Or at least he was shorter somehow. 

" Stop moving around, or I'll blow off your fucking hands"

Izuku stopped, as if he'd let himself  fall prey to the dominant pheromones that were being released. Soon he let out more of his own pheromones, as the Omega's entrance was dripping with slick.

" Man you Omega's during heat are fucking dirty ass whores aren't you. It's just disgusting, but come on your something that'll be my little play toy. Right, Deku? " He smirked, thinking about any twisted satisfaction that would come of the greenette.

" Huh? Kacchan I'm not som-"

" Did I let you SPEAK !"

He gulped and tried to stop himself from shaking, but he knew he was better than that. Knowing he could use some of his quirk, he got out of the Ash Blond's hold and threw him off his back. He got off the bed he was on, and stood shaking. Still not wanting to submit to the Alpha he ran out of the room, and into a bathroom. Locking the door and turning off the light. He stayed quiet until he heard the footsteps of Katsuki, he felt the world just stop. ' K-Kacchan's gonna kill me, he, he,... he's gonna kill me'

" Deku kitty~. Don't be shy, it's normal that an Alpha plays with his Omega~"

Hearing that was only enough to have Izuku calling 911 for help, but, sadly he couldn't. The only thing he could do was hide, so, he did. He hid behind the toilet by transforming into a cat. Katsuki on the other hand knew where Izuku was, as he sniffed him out like a dog thanks to the fact he was canidae shape-shifter. He tried opening the door to the bathroom, but it was locked. He was frustrated, so he kicked the door open. Turning the lights on, he looked for the Omega. Katsuki could tell right away where he was so he grabbed him and dragged him out of his hiding spot.

" Don't try anything alright, 'cause I'll burn you. And turn back into human in front of me "

Doing what he was told he turned back into a human. The cold air hit his skin making him shiver. Katsuki looked at his meal.

" Don't you go anywhere you dirty Omega"

He stripped himself of his clothing. Izuku flushed into a deep crimson red, despite the fact there was naked Baku in his sight.

" Look away you perverted fuck "

He turned, and walked away slowly. It was simple, he was scared and didn't want anything to happen to him. Just then, he felt a burning sensation neck. Screaming in agonizing pain, Izuku fell to ground. His neck was bleeding, while his yelps were being muffled by Bakugou's hand. Soon Izuku's head and shoulders were pinned to the ground. Tears overflowing his vision, as the uncomfortable feeling settled in.




It was past 2 hours, Izuku was a shivering, sweating, panting mess. He had to submit to the Alpha due to the fact he could've gotten severely burned if he didn't. So, everything, ... just went black. Izuku passed out, the last thing he heard was - ' Dirty whore '

( Going back to the original story )

 " Hey Deku! You alright?!" He heard whimpering and smell of distress coming from the room. He called once again saying his nickname " Deku!"

" Izuku wake up!"

The Alpha was scared for 'his mate'. He heard him whimpering, and hyperventilating. Sweat rolling down his face. He shook him awake. The color drained his face when he saw Katsuki. Izuku petrified of what would happen, so he crawled to a corner of the wall, still on the bed. He kept mumbling to leave him alone.

" Izu, what's wrong "

" Leave me alone, K-Katsuki!" The words shakily left his mouth.

" Izu are you okay?"

" Leave..."

" Wha-"

" I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE YOU RAPIST!" He faced the confused Alpha, terror filled his eye.

" What the fuck are you talking about?!"

" Leave... The room, Kacchan. "

Understanding that he should've been out of the room like 3 minutes ago, he left Izuku be. ' How am I rapist, I ... I didn't even touch him, in that way '. Izuku's small panic attack was soon gone. He was calm for the remainder of the time he had, before it felt like something was wrong. He knew he was 'raped' but he felt like he did something wrong. There should've been a stinging pain on his shoulder, waist, and neck so he went to the bathroom his room had. He pulled 'his' shirt off, and pulled the blacks sweat down that mysteriously got on him below his waist a little. Strange he didn't have burn marks, or scars signaling he had any burns. ' Wait, what! I'm sorry Kacchan, I-I thought..' . Izuku understood now why his childhood friend was confused when he called him a rapist. It's because it never happened, but it felt so real.

" W-Was that just a Nightmare ... "




 Anyways sorry for the short update. I just don't know what else to write, 'cause not a single fucking idea came to me. Anyways I'll be on my way.

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