● Chapter 21: Coming for You Izuku-Kun~●

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( ??? P.O.V )

He sat there for a full 23 minutes, on his bed. Contemplating whether he should go out, put his hero suit and look for the fucker, or stay with his mate a little longer. Fuck it, it's better for his safety. The blond got up and went to his closet, putting his boxers. He ran downstairs, going into the room containing his hero suit. Throwing it on with a tan colored coat over it, he went upstairs to get his shoes.

" Oi, fat ass, wake up!"

" Huh?" A groggy voice said.

" I just got called in, don't open the door to anyone, not even if you know them"

" Why..?" Said a half asleep Izuku

" I'll tell you when I come back," He kissed the awoken Omega, scenting him after, and ruffling his green mop of hair. " Promise me you won't open it."

Izuku nodded, still wondering what the hell was going on. You see, well known psycho, Alphan, villain Toga Himiko recently escaped prison, and well, the heroes were first to know then the media. Now it was all a hassle, and the ash blond Alpha had to deal with it, irritating the shit out of him. Tsukauchi was first to contact him about the situation, but was told the dual colored Alpha was on the case already, with the crimson haired Alpha. The 22 year old bitch was on the loose with a couple friends of hers, starting to cause a ruckus in the streets. One verified to be well known duplicating villain Twice, or Jin Bubaigawara who manged to be caught by the police, but has also escaped 3 times. Out of all the times for villains to come, it had to be right now. He had gotten rid of almost all those deadbeat villains, some were less stronger than the well known villain Calci, or Limestone formally. He started working for the League of Villains a few years ago, and now for the League Restored, made by Toga, Twice, himself, and another villain that was yet to be known to all. Only knowing that she had a purple like hair, and seemed to be pretty robust for her figure. Mineta had always fawned over her at times, always being the perverted fuck he was at times. Usually getting a smack across the head for even liking a villain.

Reports of men mostly, having sections of their arms cut off. Other's completely drained of their blood, if not, a couple ounces gone. "Pure bone bullets in some of the victims," a ballistics team had stated, and the bullets were designed to fit the acquiring gun. Yet the bone was significantly strong so that they didn't crack when shot. Now heroes had to be careful, even the number 1 himself. Thankfully his nose was trained to be sensitive when he wanted it to. Their(villains) scents were copied down as well, just in case to be more aware. It was something to note when being a hero, following, knowing scents, and telling the visible and almost invisible feelings traced in scents. Calling a certain bubbly brunette, since it was her day-off, to keep his Omega safe.

Calling Pink Cheeks...

" Oi, Pink cheeks.."

" Um, yeah, what's up Bakugo?"

" Take care of Izuku for me, he's at my house. Just don't go into my bedroom, alright!"

" Okay, he'll be safe with me!"

" I hope so, don't fuck it up for yourself "

He grunted ending their call. Running to his car, he turned on the engines, getting ready to be on some fucking pursuit case. As soon as his car was all ready he drove off dodging the traffic he could, getting to his agency as fast as he could. Once inside he saw Kirishima and Todoroki waiting for him after hearing he would come. Brushing past their shoulder's, he told them to follow him to his office meeting area. The trio went to the meeting area, seeing that Tsukauchi was there ready for their investigation to start. And so their meeting started.

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