● Chapter 17: I-Izuku ●

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WARNINGS: Writers blocker hit me hard alright sorry


( ??? P.O.V )

Katsuki had his rice prepared for later, well for the 2 hours he would have to wait... Although he wondered, ' Where is that damn nerd?!'. The Alpha went looking around the house, til his scent was most prominent near the basement so he went downstairs. Izuku turned around and faced the other.

" Did you read the file?"

" Erm, Y-Yeah why"

" Just fucking go upstairs.."

" Is something wrong?-" 

" Upstairs"

He made nodding gesture towards him, and ran upstairs. The blond sighed. The file on Gabriel's past really changes the perspective on how you would see him. Compared to how he is now, it really shows how someone could've been if fate didn't play it well. Bakugo does seem to have an alliance with the villain regardless of his past bad doings. In all honesty, the blond thought he wasn't even that bad, since the times he's visited the 27 year old he wouldn't try anything bad to do to the hero. Not even a taunt. They were pretty great, friends? If you could say, being that he hasn't seen him in around a year.. Katsuki put the file away, and closed the drawer. Walking out the well kept basement, he locked the door right after. ' Goddamn it Deku you always know where to run off to don't you', he thought as he saw the front door open. Sniffing out the air he picked up on the scent trail left behind the Omega. As he followed it, the 20 year old was caught sitting outside in the front. 

" You're in for a big ass whooping you know that, you shitty nerd," He picked the greenette up, and went inside the comfort of his house, kicking the door close ( somehow  =< = ).

" Aw, but I was looking outside"

" No more " outside" for you, I can't let you out of my sight until you can handle your quirk again"

" Wah! But I-"

" No buts, your gonna sit your fine ass down, unless I need you for something"

" Hmph...," Izuku was plopped on the couch.

24 minutes before that " women" came to his house. As soon as the blond sat down, Izuku inched closer, and lied his back on the others lap. He looked up and smiled sheepishly, as the other gave him such a glare, they probably would've been in bed by now. So intense, yet behind it showed worry for him. The ash blond brushed back the olive colored cat ears, and slightly smothered them with his calloused hands. Removing his focus from the adult in his lap, he stared at the TV. His mind went blank, eyes became half lidded, and looked another direction. He'd done it before why was he feeling such a gloom now. Gently pushing the Omega's head away, he lied himself down, but once again brought the other close to him. The smaller male turned towards his mate. 

" Izuku."

"Yes Kacchan?"

" Be my boyfriend already!" It was so sudden it caught the younger off guard.

" W-What?!" Becoming flustered, he turned all the way around facing away from the Alpha.

" I mean it! Just be mine already," The demand and aggression trailed, bedded in the sentence.

He sighed, " Kacchan..-"

" Yes or no."

" Of course! I'm mean..." Izuku stopped to form his words, " I love you dearly, and I am already bearing our child"

" Fuck yes," Katsuki pecked Izuku non-stop.

The greenette giggled from the ash blond practically tickling him. His back arched somewhat, and tried pushing the other away. He nibbled at the fare skin on the Omega, licking it straight away after. Doing such ever so lovingly. Getting on top of the younger male he continued his doing's. Leching on his jaw, neck to chest. 

" Okay, ha ha, e-enough Kacchan. Ha, can we go, ha ha upstairs"

Growling in response, he continued. Obliging to what Izuku said, they both went upstairs going inside Katsuki's bedroom. The new couple laid down on the huge fluffy comforters of the bed, the nest making the builder more safe having been drowned with the lovely scent  of his Alpha with the one and only beside him. Nuzzling into his partners neck, he inhaled the smell of firewood and cinnamon pheromones. 13 minutes til the equally looking Alpha to her son, came. Cuddling both soon drifted off to sleep, hugging each other tightly.
6 minutes later
Loud knocks arose from beyond the room. Izuku, the first to be woken up alerted the ash blond. So he got up to check who was at the door, presumably his mother. Lo and behold, right behind it was ding, ding, ding, his mother, who was yapping about what no good reason she has to be here. Yet he had to show her what really was that " no good reason", really was. Then there would probably be a break down, knowing how much she loves Izuku as she did to Inko. Finding out he was alive would be joy to her. So much joy! Of course he would have to calm down the hag so she doesn't kill him on accident, for hugging him to death. She got comfortable and sat on the couch.

" So why the fuck am I here Katsuki, I have stuff to do back at the house. "

" Let me get what I had to show you, fucking old women."

His mom growled at the ending statement, but kept her cool. Her son seemed to just walk off in a hurry. Up the stairs and into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Katsuki woke up the Omega that went back to sleep. The greenette had been picked up an thrown over the taller Alpha's shoulder. The green haired boy hit the other hard on his back, hands balled into a fist. He purposely bothered the ash blond with his tail, but Katsuki being Katsuki, bit on the green covered tail. Izuku turned around and hit the Alpha on head. He continued to go downstairs, and dropped him on the ground. He turned around and faced the other Dominant Alpha in the house. 

" Hey Auntie," He said nervously.

" I-Izuku..."

Happy New Year people. I tried uploading it 12 am, lol. Have great time, sorry that it's short too, writers block hit me hard, but I made it through. Also updates are probably gonna be random from now..

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