● Chapter 27: "Selfish" ●

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WARNINGS: Gore-ish


( ??? P.O.V )

It had been almost an hour or 2 after that incident. They had taken Aliyah, Katsuki and Emory to the hospital. When they found Aliyah she breathed heavily, panting. She had fought the villain to keep her still, maybe even arrest her if she was lucky. Although, that didn't happen, instead she was seduced, then was wrapped tightly in thick ropes of vines with thorns. Scratches littered her body, and 4 cuts on her ribs. Only managing to escape using her quirk and slipping through it. Emory had bunch of holes in his body from the bone. As for the blond he had a huge gash that was half an inch deep on his right upper arm, that was at least 6 inches long. With the addition of a hole on his arm with the length of 3 inches, and 1 1/2 inches deep. He wasn't as bad as his interns though.. Emory was pierced on the tips of his 10 fingers. 5 wounds in his right shoulder, and the 6 on his left shoulder were tiny holes. 20 pierce wounds on his upper and fore arms combined, 18 total on his torso, and 13 to 15 on his legs. Some of the puncture wounds were ranging from 1 to 3 inches deep into his flesh. 

Emory stared at the bunches of holes scattered on his body. He cringed, having a shiver go up his spine. Goosebumps arising after looking at them. They looked all fleshy, with blood spilling out of them. " God, that is gross!" The curly haired teen exclaimed in disgust. He had trypophobia, and every time he would see the small holes in his skin, he would cringe at the sight. His fingertips had to face upwards or they would drip the deep crimson color. Even my fingers, how am I gonna write notes now...!

" Oi, Oi, be careful with my arm retard!" The blond Alpha yelled in a sting of pain.

" Well then stop moving, so I can weave it together!" The nurse yelled in response.

" Tch!"

He stopped making a fuss, and let the nurse do their work. When he came down from his adrenaline high, he felt the pain in his leg searing. That bitch had gotten him good in the leg, that even after they fully healed it, it hurt. He watched the male nurse work. It was almost incredible. It was like seeing the threads of flesh being woven together, well that's because that's exactly what it was. It was satisfying to watch, but he also had to remember he could have lost both of his interns. He groaned painfully. The way he worked in his wounds hurt. He had to circle the wound, then stroke over it. 

" You have any less painful ways of healing my arm?" 

" I mean we could just switch to bandages and such," He suggested.

" Never mind.." 

Letting the male do his work he could see his students being healed. Emory with a painful grimace on his face, Aliyah biting her lip as they removed the thorns that were on her body leaving her scratches, and Arturo only had a bit of bruising, and some small scrapes. Aside from that, he still couldn't wait  get to see his Omega, his mate. What was he doing right now? Was he okay? Was he doing okay with out him?... Of course he was, even now he still found him a bit weak. Although, he would be lying if he did say that the Omega couldn't over power him. Still, there was something about his mate that put him off. His scent? Yeah. It could be because he was actually pregnant. He did knot his more than once, so. That was a reasonable answer. Finally... Wait, he's pregnant, oh shit... He thought, before his face shot up in a excitement. I'm gonna be a dad, fucking, hell yeah!  He smiled a bit, before it turned into full blown out laughter from being full of content, and merry. Then a surge of pain went through his arms.

" Ow, Fuck!"

" Maybe you should stop moving Bakugo-San."

" Don't tell me what to do!"

" We could easily switch to normal bandages.."

" Fucking hell, I'll stop, okay!"

He still wanted to work, so he can make enough for himself and his mate, and soon to be coming litter of pups if he was lucky, or just a pup. Yet, he didn't want to overwork himself either. At least he wasn't broke as shit like Mt. Lady. He started limiting his destruction as to not waste so much money for property damages. Even as young as he was to be a father, and top pro hero, property damages got on his tail whether he liked it or not. He earned money like a stripper would, well it wasn't thrown at him, but he earning more than he expected for taking down some damn villains. But what did he think, being a pro hero with good ass looks, a god fucking quirk, and his moves were perfect. But, it didn't compare to his mate's quirk, and looks. He was beautiful, gorgeous, splendid. Now that he thought about it, he would've been in college if he wasn't thinking about making an Agency. He should be worshiped for his quirk, intelligence, strength, and looks, but who was he to say that. Zoning out, he continued to think. Soon he snapped out of his trance with a hand being shaken in front of his eyes. Blinking his eyes after snapping out of the "trance". 

" We're done here Ground Zero."

" Good, I need to head home anyway soon."

If anything, Kirishima didn't trust him with the Agency by himself saying, " Who would do the night patrol?" And such questions. So they both ran the agency, much to Bakugo's protest, but Katsuki was in charge of the entire thing. He just let Kirishima be, work out things on his own. He got up off the chair he was sitting on, as he refused to be in a hospital bed. Stretching his arms, it felt like the pain of a bruise in the spots that were once wounded deeply. Walking away from the chair and to his interns. He could see the male nurse who was healing him walking to, Emory who was still cringing at the wounds, caring less about whether he lived or not during the attack. Standing next to the complaining teen, he gave him a light smack across the head.

" What the hell was that for!?" Looking up at the older Alpha while rubbing his head.

" For one, running into attack, and two for being stupid! You could have lost your fucking life if he wasn't weakened by the hit from that shitty traffic light! "

" You don't need to give me a fucking lecture y'know, I already knew I was gonna die."

" Then why'd you do it, I could've done it for you-"

" You have a mate to come back to, and me? I ran away from home with my 21 year old sister because of, personal business... I don't have anything to live for anymore," Only realizing a tear made escape from it's cage, he wiped it away. " I- I don't know how much longer I can carry the burden on myself, my sister, my girlfriend! "

" So you're being "selfish", right?" He closed his eyes and let his head hang.

" Huh?" The younger looked up at him, questioningly.

" So this " burden", what is it? Your own problem, or just small issues? I thought you had a girlfriend and a sister, you can't live for them? They can't help you, or are you keeping it to yourself?"

" I told it's personal, so stop bugging into my life!"

" Alright kid, just asking don't gotta get like that.. But s'fine," If anything, this kid from the beginning was like this around other people. Rude, moody, angry. Kind of reminded him of himself. On the inside he was my softer. Funny, goofy, a bit protective (due to him being an Alpha), he would tease, and be a bit emotional. This teenager though, had quite the bit of problems going on. Growing up he was a bit traumatized after seeing his father rape his mother, the fear in her eyes scared him, topping it with the soured pheromones and angered father that also terrified him. He gotten a bit depressed over the years, that was until he entered Middle school, did it die down. High School had gotten him a bit better, but since he was a transfer, he had a bit of trouble. No worries, Aliyah and Arturo were there. But the group, he took in. Man, if his 3-A, 17 year old Katsuki was there, he would be laughing at Aliyah's quirk, and be 0.1% amazed at all of their quirks. Maybe be competitive against them if he had the time to. Letting out a heavy sigh, he went limp, sitting on the ground after. Man was life fucking complicated with kids around.

" Bakugo-San do you even know what selfish means?" The young female asked.

" 'Course I do, what am I stupid to you!" The oldest of the bunch asked his intern.

" No it's just, you used it, wrong?" She said. Mostly because she was good with English class, literature, and such.  Only she was trying to stay clear of being yelled at, again.

" Why the fuck does that matter?"

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