● Chapter 16: Gabriel Origin~Bitter Sweet love ●

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WARNINGS: Mentions of Suicide, Child Abuse, 


( ??? P.O.V )

The Alpha got up off the couch. Every time he got a new job on investigating about a villain, he got a complete file report on the scumbag. The villain name sounded so familiar, yet he couldn't remember where he had heard it. He went to his room to get a key to the basement, which was a secret seeing as they weren't supposed to be basements in Japan as much. Opening the drawer, he looked under into the secret compartment where he kept it hidden from plain sight.  Not wanting the files to get into the wrong hands, as he also has files of the interns that had gone to his agency. Since most newer pro heroes had started their agency at least 1 or 2 years right after they were over with High School. Yeah crazy. Well most came out of the High School smart as fuck, willing to even create their own agencies so early, taking such a burden over themselves. Even All Might was amazed. Katsuki walked to his basement. Thank god he had the drawers were organized as they were labeled. Going through the drawer that was labeled as " Villain Files", he went to the "H" section and began to open the file " Hypnoscoc".

" Ha, found it," He said victoriously.

" Found what?"

Katsuki jumped to the response and turned around, " Wha- Izuku what the fuck! You scared the shit out of me. Why are you here?" 

" Oh, you have a couple seconds before that timer goes off."

" Oh shit!" 

He left the file on the table and ran upstairs, and checked on the rice. Meanwhile, Izuku looked at the file. He opened it where the information of the Villain, such as height, age and other such things like that. Name was Gabriel Homscoc, or biologically Gabriel Johnson, a Northern American-Japanese whose history was pretty messed up. As a child, abuse was evident. His mother and father had been in a domestic violent marriage. His mother was Japanese women who traveled around the world, but always wished to settle in America. Elijah Johnson met Aoi Fujioka at a touring center, and well, fell in love with her; So did she. Their first date was swell, second went beautifully, and last was the start of their relationship. Although, Aoi couldn't stay long, but was determined to keep the relationship going. She bid her farewell to Elijah and said she would come back, when she had the money to move over there. Fujioka was hard working, good paid lawyer back in a Japan. Most importantly, her hospitality towards her clients, she was a very kind Beta. But moving to America had her boss begging her to stay. She was saddened by that, then said she would come back in a few months. That never happened, instead she moved in with Elijah went on dates, having the time of her life. It was great. 2 years later they were married, expecting a baby boy in 5 months. But, everything went down hill.

 One day Elijah came home drunk from, angered by multiple of his friends accusing him after something he didn't do. Aoi asked him what was wrong, only to be slapped harshly and yelled at to shut up. Then it started, and repeated, and repeated. The beating, then sorry's. Beat, " Sorry!" , repeat. He loved her oh he did, but the stress, anger, and depression got to him, dragging him to the core of his brain, yet it all got lost in the alcohol. The love was bitter sweet, but soured more as Gabriel came. Aoi distanced herself from Elijah, trying to protect her child at all costs. Saturday, May 16, she packed and left taking Gabriel with her to a hotel nearby. Checking her passports of her son's and her own. Fujioka planned to leave the state and go back to Japan, but how? Elijah went to meet Aoi's parents, and could find out if she's there. Staying for 1 night, she left the next day to go and stayed with Elijah's brother and his girlfriend at Elijah's parent's house. Lucas Johnson and Miriam Miller had a great relationship with Aoi, and were willing to let her stay with Gabriel. She hugged them both tightly, and thanked them dearly. What they didn't know were the mistakes that lied under the makeup that concealed them. The cuts, bruises, scars, emotions bottled up, concealed. There was nothing to find, until she washed the makeup off, or lifted up her sleeves. The bruise on the edge of lip, legs, and finger marks on her arms. Cut across the cheek, back, side, and thigh. How? Why, why did it have to turn like this? She didn't know what she did to deserve this, maybe she found the wrong person, yeah, that's what it was. 

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