●Chapter 30: Surprise●

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(??? P.O.V)

The male groggily opened his eyes. The feeling of stickiness ate at him, so he got up. He almost stumbled as he got up. His body felt all hot, and weak. Feebly walking to the bathroom, the slick came out slowly from his entrance. Letting out a soft whimper, he held himself on the counter feeling more weak. Heats had never hit this bad, at most he would stumble, but at least he was able to stand. Well not today, plus his heat was over the roof. It would have been over by now, but that stupid drug made him have another heat that was worst than his normal ones. He knew for a fact he would lash out on the Alpha as well, his mood swings at times were unbearable at times if he went overboard. Leaning over the tub, he felt the warm water that filled its hollow ditch. He sighed at his content feeling swelling in his heart, it was weird. New almost.

Brushing the feeling off, he removed his shirt, the only thing he had on. The Alpha probably liked him only in a shirt, seeing that he can't seem to stop eyeing him and restricting himself from wanting to fuck him regardless of him wearing clothes or not. Even him just staring directly at his face for no reason was funny and adorable. It was always , " Y'know? You're really cute Izuku~" was an answer to every time he asked why he was staring. His muscles relaxed further as he bathed in the water. Sitting up, he shifted onto his side where he lied more comfortably. He watched the faucet drip, as the water rippled every time a drop landed in the water. Sighing again, he let himself get lost in thought. What time was it even? Kacchan was probably at work right now, wasn't he? I should really apologize for yesterday... I wonder what we'll be doing today? Things like that. His head shot up, he turned to look at a clock that hung on the wall

" 7 pm..," He said under his breath. Sinking back down into the water until it covered half of his face. Closing his eyes, he let himself go limp. 

" Really, Bakugou!-" The crimson haired male got cut off by a hand to his mouth.

" Sshh, he's sleeping you asshat," He whispered.

" But what would you expect Ei, you think he wouldn't loose this chance. Ever since he got kidnapped ' I'm gonna murder those fuckers, watch! I'm gonna get him back, and you can't fucking stop me. Those shitty heroes aren't gonna fucking look for him anyway!' You think he wouldn't do that, that's called love bro," The blonde haired Omega grabbed the Alpha by his shoulders and shook him violently. " They're literally dating!"

" What the fuck did I say about yelling!"

" Sorry, but Kirishima isn't getting it, but still Bakugo that's pretty crazy. Getting Midoriya pregnant, damn. What if he wants to still wants to become a hero. It's possible, you know that right? I mean Shinso became a hero with the help of Aizawa. You can help him, you just need a copy of the hero license since they allow that now, with all the kidnappings going on with great heroes. "

" I know that, but we already decided on keeping it"

" Or did you tell him to keep it."

" Key word ' We' not 'I', and when are you guys having kids. Sure looks like you guys fuck way to damn much?"

Kaminari went red as Kirishima choked out a cough.

" I don't know, ask Kirishima. If we have a kid, I want you to tutor them."

" Hah! What the fuck are you talking about! I'm not tutoring them if they come out dumb as fuck like the both of you!"

He dried himself, and ruffled his damp locks with the towel as he walked out of the bathroom naked. Locking the door to his room, he continued to hear the same yelling from earlier and two familiar, faint scents. While looking around the room,  he spotted multiple bags. New and old ones from the past trip to the mall. Previous clothing for him that had been washed, and some of the Alpha's that was practically drenched in his scent, with a dip of caramel. Was this some sort of trick for his heat to happen again of something? Shuffling his hand through a pale bag, he fished out a collar and heat suppressants. Immediately, he harshly swallowed his suppressants.  He was pretty surprised that Katsuki would buy him a collar, but then again he wouldn't want anyone else marking him once the 2 months were up. The collar was a plain black one with what reminded him of a latch on a seat belt, and a lock he would have to lock on himself. Only there was a slight problem. He still had that choker on him, and he really loved the item. Oh well~ He took off the necklace, replacing it with the metal collar. Placing the necklace along with other bags on the top of a drawer, he opened each compartment. All empty, except one that was horribly hard to open. It had a phone and its changer, and note which had some sort of red splatter on in. Picking up the note, it read " When you find this, keep the phone safe, it has the video and photos. Password is 7923-Masaki"

" Ma..saki? " He muttered, before taking the phone in his hand. It seemed to be turned off, so he tried to turn it on. As he thought, it wasn't charged. Scanning his eyes the room, he finally found the outlet, and plugged in the charger. Soon, going over to the  bags he saw more boxer-briefs. Taking all the undergarments and clothes, he placed them each in the separate drawers. Putting his hands to his hips, he decided his article of clothing. A black turtleneck shirt to save himself the embarrassment, black boxer-briefs with comfortable dark blue pants over them. The collar was tucked into his shirt, to which he pulled it out before fixing his posture, and unlocking the door. Stepping outside the boundary of the room, he looked over the railing and saw his Alpha with his friends. He shrugged his shoulders while going down stairs.


The patter of his feet caught the attention of the others downstairs. They all looked at Midoriya as he walked down the stairs. Waving a hand, he replied as he watched, " Hey Kaminari- Kun, and Kirishima- Kun!"

" Hey Midoriya!" The other pair said in unison.

" Did we wake you Izu?" Asked the concerned ash blond.

" Well, not really.. I was already awake I just feel tired still," He said as he made his way to the couch. Plopping himself on the couch, he laid his head on Katsuki's shoulder. Feeling a bit disoriented, he got up to go get some water. After all, he hadn't eaten in awhile yet. The group went back to talking, before they heard a knock. The Omega panicked, hiding himself behind the counter. 

" Hey Sero! Finally came didn't ya!" He could hear the electric user laugh as he said that sentence. Peeking over the counter, he watched the black haired male come inside. Clenching his glass of water, his breath began to shake a bit. 

" You fucking prick!" He yelled, as he slid to the ground. A black haired male with magenta-pomegranate eyes, that had tinges of a pitch black. 

" Sshh, Izuku-" He reached a hand out to caress his face. His hand, slapped away. The Omega growled in and angered tone, " You don't have the right to say MY Name!" Bearing his teeth at him.
It's Sero, I can't freak out over him. He looks nothing like him! He thought. Accidentally dropping the glass of water, he muttered a curse under his breath.

" Oi, Izuku! You alright?" He heard his Alpha say. Water was spilled all over him, a couple glass shards scattered across the ground. Backing away from the glass. In hopes to not get cut, he pushed himself off the ground. Patting his shirt where the water had fallen on himself. The greenette put a hand to his neck, a nervous chuckle escaping his mouth.

" Hehe, I'm okay.. I just dropped a glass of water."

" Such a klutz Izuku," The blond said with a hand to his temple. " I'll clean it up-"

" What. The. Fuck!" Sero yelled wide eyed, almost dropping his own drink. " No way! He can't be real!"

" Oh yeah, we haven't told Sero about him yet haven't we?" The golden eyed male said to the crimson eyed one. They both laughed before looking at the achromatic haired male, " Surprise " The male stared at all of them in utter shock.


HoLy sHiTT.. Sorry for the long ass fucking wait, a lot of shit came up. Especially with the shitty online classes. I didn't intend for the wait to be this long, heh, but hoped you enjoyed at least a bit. 

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