● Chapter 28: Discharged●

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( ??? P.O.V )

The Alpha had a hand on the steering wheel. He was driving to the hospital where his mate would be waiting for him. The drive was quite long, but only about 6 minutes were left before he arrived. Turning a right, he continued to drive down straight till he was was met with a giant building. Once parking his car across the street from the hospital. He knew he should've changed into normal clothing, so he wouldn't catch the attention of many others. Just his luck... Moreover, stupidity at times, but he couldn't give a damn. As long as his mate was at home with him, he would be okay. Getting out of his car, he put the lock on it, and continued to cross the street towards the hospital. Then the first photo was taken, and the next. Soon fans noticed and it started to surround him. 

"Look! It's Ground Zero!"

" Oh my god, he's so fucking hotter in person!"

" Knot me Alpha!♥"

" Kyaaa! I need!To get a picture with him!"

" ♥Fill me up with your pups Ground Zero-Sama!♥"

" Can I get an autograph!"

He walked backwards, only getting a couple steps " Shut the fuck up! Get the fuck back too, shit, can't you see I'm busy!" He yelled as he was swarmed by fans, each of any gender. Small explosion came out of anger, some that were almost practically touching him screamed. 

" Didn't fucking come here to knot all of you, I'm here to see my mate!"


"Am I not hot enough Ground Zero~♥," He heard a seductive voice say.

" Ugh!"

He growled at the crowd. His pheromones covering the area around him, with pure anger. He was already irked at their comments of his mate, and what his fans were asking him to do to them. " Yeah, mate! You gotta fucking problem with that! If you do, SAY IT TO MY FUCKING FACE!" Some people had already backed away. Grumbling curses under his breath, he pushed past the crowd. Continuing on his journey to the hospital, he still had a trail of his fans following him. Some screaming his name and hero name, god. He loved being a hero, but fans like this were the downside of it. The ones that would flirt, get mad over not getting a picture or video of himself, greedy bastards, the obsessed ones, all that sort of shit. Every time he walked, they would take a step too. Ignoring the comments and questions, thank god there weren't any reporters. Once he made it too the transparent glass door, he walked in going straight to the receptionist.

" Hello! How can I help you- Erk! Ground Zero," The women choked out.

" Look, I don't need more people bugging my ass, just sign me in for Midoriya Izuku, I'm here to pick him up," The blonde said, voice sounding coarse. 

" O-Of course sir!" She squeaked, a blush on her face clearly visible. Signing the papers, she turned her attention back to the Alpha, giving him a bracelet and a stamp on his hand that would allow him to access the room. The only reason she wasn't fawning over him was his scent. His pheromones reeked with anger, and annoyance. The Alpha walked away, with his trail of anger following him, scaring off others around him. He walked off, head high with a sneer and scowl. He hated the smell of lust, desire, just rolled of his fans. Only Izuku would he allow to have his scent drip off him like his slick when he was in a horny mood. The blonde continued releasing his pheromones as he pleased. Making his way through the gray, blue, and white hallway. Walking across the clean white, and gray tile, he ran a hand on the creamy navy blue walls. Once he made it to room 198, he knocked on the door. The Omega was surprised, almost startled, " C-Come in!"

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