● Chapter 22: Kidding~●

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( ??? P.O.V )

 Uraraka and Izuku were currently at a Boba Tea shop, ordering their drinks. The Omega had gotten a Matcha Bubble Tea, while the brunette had gotten a Mango Bubble Tea. They sat at a two chair table, and got comfortable. Soon the two started to have a conversation. Their first one sparked as he saw heroes walking around, how was Uraraka going with her hero work? The number 8 pro-hero was doing good. She had recently went on a trip to London to investigate and stop some of the secret Omega and Beta sex rings they had, which the Queen had requested to be shut down. She hated that "the rings" had stained her image as a ruler, and that it could make the people live in a sort of fear. Knowing you could be captured, then sold as a sex slave in the blink of an eye. Of course she took the offer, with the exception of taking Pro-Hero Creati to help her. It was a mission success, 2 men and a women taking control of the rings. Erin Downer, Lucas Clark, Elliott Williams, all Alphas with sick minds. Each had their own drugged up Omegas, following their demands, their own slaves. 

Sex, slaves. Izuku's stomach churned hearing the story, but he wanted to continue hearing it. He knew he wasn't the only one going through it. First it was the High School attacks, then Nomus, after, since more of the Omega population grew, sex rings came in again. Alpha slaves were harder to get if they put up a fight, especially if they were dominant Alphas. Claws always out fighting their potential kidnappers, a couple Omegan Heroes had been slaves. Some missing Betan and Omegan Heroes that were at the ring amnesia induced, sometimes they even remembered who they were, but failed in leaving the ring after being drugged again. Some people even died from to much of the drug in their system. 

The subject soon changed to a lighter topic. The greenette began to question about what she might have seen Katsuki do while he was, "gone". She explained to him that, the blond had changed a lot. After a couple of weeks of his disappearance, the Alpha had gotten more crueler, had his guard up more than it was before. It had gotten so bad he'd have to see a therapist and go to anger management like classes weekly, to fit himself. By the end of the school year, he was better than the person he was when he began High School. He was more nicer, yet he still had curses to give out. By the time he was around 19 and half years old he was starting to make his own agency. He qualified enough as a hero to start one, also being one of the youngest pro-heroes to make it to the very top. Once he was in the beginning of his twenties he was number 1, and Todoroki became 2 pro-hero, which the blond Alpha was't fond of but he got used to it. 

He'd go out on patrols with 2 interns that he had excepted. Ghostly Hero: Phantom Owl, and Fire Hero: Conflagration. Bubbly Hero: Soda Pop 'interning' under him for a while before she found a permanent spot. He still had those interns til now, just that they couldn't come in at the moment. Bakugo needed to shut them out since he was on his break, but they were with Tokoyami, though they should be coming in today to help Todoroki and the blond for their mission to take down Toga. 

" Speak of the devils, " She looked at the Omega with open eyes, then focused on 2 of the interns. " Hey Aliyah-Kun!" She waved a hand at the 1 intern Soda Pop. 

Soda Pop told her friend to keep going," Oh hiya!"

The dark skinned teen came up to the brunette. She bowed a little before pulling out a chair, sitting next to the Omega and brown eyed female. " Oh yeah, this is my friend, Midoriya"

" Hi I'm Aliyah Isobe, nice to meet you," Putting a hand out in greeting. Taking her shake of hand, he replied," Hi, Izuku Midoriya."

" Um, I swear I've heard your name before?" A look of confusion upon her and the Omega, as she remembered a bit of where she had heard it from." Ah, missing person case if I remember. Its kind of a hobby of mine to look through missing person cases. Are you by chance- No, were you by chance missing-" Uraraka put a hand to the other's mouth.

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