Chapter 27

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Senior Year

"Don't let anyone get passed you, Calaway," Coach pats me on the back. I look up at him, my eyes sharing a determination he holds as well.

"I won't, Coach," I vow. I pull my white and blue helmet over my head and direct my attention foreword. Coach slips past me, venturing the field before the rest of us. I feel slightly honored at his words, he's never one to spare a compliment- if you call a command a compliment, but I do.

I can hear the roaring of the crowds to my left. I picture Noah. He's somewhere out in the crowd with blue and white face paint. He's neglected his camera, handed the job to some freshman on yearbook so he can watch me with full attention. I wanted him to wear my jersey, no- I begged him to wear my jersey. Unfortunately, that's not something male friends do per say.. so we compromised and instead he wore my number. A white shirt with the numbers '44' proudly on his back.

The sound of rustling pompoms come behind a white tarp that I can only assume has 'Jefferson High' proudly painted on it brings my attention. I know it's time, and I roll to the balls of my feet, blood coursing wildly in my veins.

"ARE YOU READY FOR YOU'RE JEFFERSON'S EAGLESSS!" The announcer booms on the intercom and the crowd roars louder.

To my right I catch Darren. His head is forward and he bounces on his toes. I turn my head back forward and take off running, headed towards the field.

If we win tonight, the team is going to state, something our school has never dreamed of.


With only three minutes left in the game, we're winning. We are fucking winning.

I've never felt as high in my life as now. Our team's up by seven points and with only three minutes- less than three counting, I don't think they can make a comeback.

I stand on the sidelines, arms shaking with excitement and my eyes darting everywhere. I catch the sight of Noah for the hundredth time tonight, taking in the distant view of his beauty. Then my eyes divert to my Mom, smiling as she's the only parent standing. My eyes finally pull back to the field, watching as Nathan makes it to the 30th yard line.

Union City has nothing on us. Well, not true- they put up a pretty good fight, but we brought our a-game. Looking up at the lighted scoreboard I read the numbers '41' and '34'. I've looked at the score probably more than Noah ( and that's saying a lot) and I still can't fathom reality.

There's less than a minute left.

I can hear the crowd counting down the time. As if time has slowed down, I watch the clock turn to zero and the clock blare across the field. We won. We're going to state.


"You did amazing," Noah tells me close to my ear. I smile, pulling him onto my lap in the backseat of his car.

The game is long over, but we've stayed. His car parked in the corner of the vacant parking lot. While everybody is off celebrating, I'm spending my night of victory with him.

After the game I had found him in the crowd, standing with my prideful mother. I ran towards them, disregarding every student in my way who attempted to congratulate me. Instead I ran to him, my Noah.

I nodded to my mother just before pulling the curly haired boy into my chest, arms snaking around him,"I did it! We did it!" I cheered into his ear. When I pulled back to look at his dazzling eyes, I wanted to kiss him. Caught in the ecstasy of victory all I wanted to do was place my lips on his soft ones. But I didn't, I pulled away.

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