Chapter 28

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Senior Year

We won our first game on Thursday. Round one of states was a success, which meant we were scheduled to play on Saturday.

I heard from Noah that the school was ecstatic. It was a bonus for him because classes were light with the excitement of the big game coming up. I wouldn't know because I spent Friday icing and resting for Saturday.

That night the whole football team piled on a bus (multiple busses) and rode to the town over again for round two of states.

If we won Saturday, it meant we'd play in the championship game Sunday. Although we pulled a victory Thursday, the odds weren't looking good.

Alas it was Saturday evening and we were losing. As expected.

I stood on the field, awaiting for them to snap the football. My teeth gritted as an attempt to keep my eyes on the red and white uniforms.

Every now and then my eyes drifted to the score board- a bittersweet feeling when I saw the neon numbers pointing in the other teams favor.

My head was a little cloudy from Thursday, my right thigh was bruised, and my left shoulder actually hurt, unlike the time before when I used it as an excuse to be with Noah. I was pretty banged up, but when a red jersey started advancing down the field- that didn't stop me from chasing after him.

It was no use though, because in a moment the sound of ringing ended the game.

I caught the eyes of Coach after the game, and I swore I saw a tear in his eyes.

He didn't speak to me. A simple pat on the back and a nod from him was enough for me to know he was proud.

After a quick briefing together I met up with my mom and Noah.

"I'm proud of you," My mother told me. Her arms wrapping me into a hug, only for her to quickly drop her arms. I hadn't showered yet. "Oh gosh, you're so sweaty."

I chuckled softly, "Thanks, Mom."

I felt my eyes water and I quickly looked away. Slightly embarrassed, because in the end it was just a game... but this was the last game I'd ever play.

"You boys didn't give up, and you managed to get this far- it's amazing," she smiled dearly.

"Yeah, yeah," my eyes still didn't meet hers, "It still kind of sucks."

I found Noah's gaze and I could tell he wanted to say something, but the eyes of others stopped him.

"Is it cool if Noah and I go for a walk?" I ask her.

"Oh yeah, you boys go talk. I'll be in the car."

Noah and I walked off together, finding a pavilion far away from the field and slipping behind a brick wall.

"You did really good," Noah tells me.

"Yeah?" My hand grasps his and I look down at our intertwined fingers.

"I know you're a little bummed. It's because it's over, right?"

"Yeah," I breath. My eyes finally meet his and I feel slightly embarrassed.

His hand brushes back my hair from my forehead- not seeming to care I'm still sweaty. A silence falls over us.

He finally breaks the silence, "I drove up here... if you want to ride with me."

My eyes look at him curiously and then an idea comes to mind. "We still have the rooms booked tonight."


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