Chapter 3- Getting To Know Her

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Nov 5th, 2038 6:30 PM

Melody's POV

"Ok, girl, I think it's time I start getting ready for the party," I told Roxy, who had only left my side to go to the bathroom. She glanced up at me and then stood up. I made my way to the bedroom and raided my closet. After ten solid minutes, I decided to go with a bright red, notch neckline, off-the shoulder-bodycon, mini dress. I put it on, loving how it made me feel. I slipped on some classic red stilettos and my silver moon necklace. I crescent moon hung from the delicate chain and in the center was a bauble charm that had a full moon image inside. I threw on some silver bracelets and headed to my vanity table that I hadn't properly used in months. I combed my hair and put on some mascara and bold red color on my lips and looked at myself in the mirror.

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"What do you think, Roxy? Do you think I'll fit in at the retrospective?" I asked, posing for the dog. She barked happily and I chuckled. I grabbed a small silver clutch one of my sisters had gifted me and put my phone, keys and some money in it.

"Ok, I'm off. And if you see Jinx or Binx, let them know where I am, ok?" I told the pit bull sitting at my feet. I patted her head once more before heading out.


Markus' POV

"Markus, stay close to me," Carl told me.

"Yes, Carl." We wandered around for a while; welcoming people and Carl made small talk. I didn't mind that no one noticed I was there, it allowed me to think. Until a familiar voice brought me back to reality.

"Carl, it's been far too long," The feminine voice said. I turned around and saw her. She was wearing a stunning, tight, red minidress, red heels, an intricate moon necklace, and silver bracelets. Her hair was straightened and she had on light makeup; just mascara and bold red lipstick. She looked absolutely breathtaking.

"Is that Melody Lupine, I hear?" Carl asked, spinning around, a true smile on his face for the first time the entire night.

"The one and only," She grinned, leaning down to hug Carl.

"I've missed you. How are you?"

"I've been doing pretty well. I trust you received the packages I sent."

"I did, and I thank you. I never thought I'd get copies of Melody Lupine's books. But there is something else I must thank you for," He said, his smile growing a bit smaller.

"What's that?" She asked, cocking her head to the side ever so slightly.

"I must thank you for sticking up for Markus earlier today."

"It's no problem, I'm happy to help. It's nice to see you again, Markus," She smiled again.

"You as well, Melody."

"Say, Melody, what are your plans for tonight?" Carl asked.

"After this? Nothing. Why?"

"Well it has been so long since I last saw you, and I 'd love to catch up but here isn't really the place. So I was wondering if you'd maybe like to visit afterward?"

"I'd love too. Well, Mr. Big-Shot, tonight is yours, go live it up!"

"I'll see you later then. Oh, and Melody?"

"Yes, Carl?"

"Keep Markus company, won't you? I know I'm probably boring him."

"I can do that," She smiled.

"I'll see you two later," Carl said before wheeling off.

"Told you I'd see you around," She smirked.

"Yes, how did you know that?" I asked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," She smiled sadly.

"Try me."

"Alright, if you insist. I'm a witch. Well, half witch, technically," She told me.

"That is impossible."

"Keep your eyes on me," She said. I obeyed, my eyes never leaving her curvy frame. And then she was gone. She hadn't walked away, she had just disappeared. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around.

"Told you."

"How is that possible?" I asked, confounded.

"I'm not from this planet. I just live here. I find Humans fascinating," Melody said simply.

"Wait, you said you were only half witch. What's the other half?"

"Oh, I'm also half werewolf. Follow me outside, and I'll prove it."

"Why outside?"

"Humans are terrified when they see things they can't explain, and I don't wanna make tonight about me. So going outside gives us a bit more privacy. And room..."

"Ok," I said as I offered her my arm. She accepted and we left the Museum.

"Are you ready?" She asked. I nodded. She smiled and then her eyes began to glow. Her body began to contort, but it was beautiful in its own way. A minute later no longer did a gorgeous redhead stand before me, but rather a giant white wolf. I looked into its eyes and saw hers.

"This is incredible," I whispered. She turned back and smiled softly.

"Thank you. Hey, do you wanna stay out here for a while? And just talk?" She asked.

"I'd love to. I have a question."

"What's that?"

"How do you know Carl?"

"Oh! We were neighbors when I was little and he ended up watching me a lot. He's kind of like a second father to me."

"That's sweet."

"Yeah. The first time we met, I was sitting on my lawn thinking hard about my future. He noticed me and asked what I was doing. When I told him, he chuckled and told me I didn't have to worry about that just yet."

"That sounds like Carl."

"Yeah. Anything else you wanna know?"

"It is 28 degrees outside right now, and you aren't shivering. Why?" I asked.

"Because it has to be -45 degrees or lower for me to feel the cold. I can withstand extream temperatures."

"Is that unique to you?"

"No, all fire witches can do it. It's probably the most normal thing about me. Anything else?"

"Carl told me that 'this world doesn't like those who are different, Markus. I just hope that Melody will be able to help you; she understands that more than anyone'. What did he mean by that?"

"Just that I'm not Human either. There's more to the story, but I don't give up those details on the first day I've met someone."

"I understand. Should we head in? I'm sure we could find something to do."

"I'd like that. Hey Markus?"

"Yes, Melody?"

"Can we be friends?"

"I'd like that."

Status: Melody ^ Friend

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