Chapter 6~ Jericho

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Nov. 6th, 2038 4:30:04 PM

Markus' POV

Melody and I had made it on a train and were waiting for our stop. The news was playing, and Melody looked both intrigued and bored watching it.

"Several sources report that CyberLife has provided Detroit Police with a prototype detective android," The News Anchor reported.

"Although police assistance androids have existed for several years now, this would be the first case of an android being authorized to play an active role in criminal investigations," The older man continued. The train pulled up to the station and Melody and I exited.


"There's a place where we can be free! Find Jericho!"


I looked at my palm, and the holographic symbol in it.

New Objective: Look For The Graffiti

I looked around and found the graffiti we needed.

"What's so special about this specific piece of graffiti?" Melody asked.

"It holds a clue for a scavenger hunt. Just follow me, ok?"

"Ok, Markus. I trust you. If nothing else, this is going to be a Hell of an adventure," She grinned and I chuckled.

"I think so too." I scanned the graffiti and found what I needed.

Clue Updated

I looked back at my palm and the image had changed. I looked around until I found the new piece. We rode the escalated down and kept moving and a human male bumped into me.

"Oh, sorry... excuse me..." He said. I followed him with my eyes and heard Melody suppress a giggle.

"Not used to that, are you Markus?"

"No, I'm not. What's so funny?" I asked.

"Your reaction. It's adorable."

"Why thank you, m'lady," I said in an exaggerated British accent, offering my hand.

"Of course, good sir," She replied in an equally exaggerated accent, accepting my hand and curtsying.

"Always gotta show me up, huh?"

"It's not in my blood to be number two," She said before walking off. I jogged to catch up with her and we continued on our way. I saw an Android Temporary Parking Unit with an android parked. I walked up to the female android and touched her shoulder.

"Do you know where Jericho is?" I asked. Her LED blinked yellow rapidly. She didn't respond.

"What's Jericho?" Melody questioned.

"I don't know, but one of the androids in the junkyard told me to find it."

"Huh. Well, let's go then." She started looking around, not really knowing what to look for. Why is she so eager to help me? And why does she look so good doing it?

"Markus, I don't know what I'm looking for; I need some help." Her soft voice broke me from my thoughts.

"I'm coming," I smiled.

"Markus now is not the time to be cumming," She said with a straight face.

"Wha- Oh. Melody," I complained, unable to help to chuckle. She grinned widely.

"Ya'know, Markus, if I'm too much of a distraction for you, I can leave and find you later."

"No! No, no, please don't leave."

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