Chapter 2

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Grant's head snaps up at the sound of the chiming bell, "I'll get it!" he calls as he takes off towards the back door. I hear him whispering "Get it together Grant," to himself in a half hearted attempt to stop laughing.

"This isn't going to be any fun at all," Jacey groans, running her hands nervously through the long, straight brown hair that hangs over her shoulder, straightening her bow again.

"I don't know, did you see that look Grant had?" I laugh, "You know the one, that devilish glint he gets." Grant's a quiet guy most of the time; probably because Jacey and I talk so much that he can't fit a word in, but his eyes always give him away when he's feeling mischievous. It really seems like the older I get the more resigned I am to dealing with nights like this, but the older the twins get the more they enjoy torturing these poor guys.

Half a second later, Mom comes tearing out of her bedroom, through the living room and into the kitchen. She quickly glances around wringing her hands, "Oh for crying out loud! Knowing Grant he'll run Mark off before he can even get in the door. Jacey! Did you get the dogs put away?"

"Nope, we would never get that lucky," Jacey smirks at me under her breath. "All but Sophie, I didn't see the point. We never lock her up for anything." Our lazy black lab thumps her tail on the hardwood floor from the living room when she hears her name.

"Here we go again," I sigh. I turn back towards the stove to stir the pasta sauce before walking over to the island to start fixing the salad. I always try my best to appear as busy as possible, the busier I seem the less these guys try to talk to me. Apparently Jacey is thinking the same thing because she slides past me and reaches in the cabinet for glasses, she grabs five glasses and fills three of them with ice.

"Do you want tea?" Jacey asks.

"Yeah, but Grant already has some," I nod over at his glass sitting on the other side of the island.

At that moment Grant strolls back into the kitchen with his eyebrows raised. The look on his face clearly said, "Yeah right," he pulls up one of the bar stools, running his hands over his short dirty blond hair.

"How interesting is this going to be?" I sigh taking the tea pitcher from Jacey and refilling Grant's glass. In stereotypical Grant fashion, he just shakes his head slowly.

"So, did you let him in or slam the door in his face?" I ask eying Grant, who in turn looks at me like I'm crazy. "Where is he?" I laugh quietly.

"Mom was right behind me, they're uh, talking on the porch," he says glancing over at the windows.

"Wait what does 'Uh, talking' mean?" Jacey questions with a raised eyebrow.

"Actually," Grant sighs, "he smokes. I told him there was no smoking in the house, which I think made Mom mad. He's finishing his cigarette," Grant rolls his eyes. "Hurry, give us stuff to do. I really don't want to have to talk to this guy."

"Fine. Grant, you come stir the sauce," I say passing him the stainless steel ladle. "Jacey, you can set the table, I guess," I turn to help Jacey gather everything for the table. We all busy ourselves as much as possible the moment we hear the mudroom door open. I strain trying to see this new guy as Mom opens the door separating the mudroom from the dining room.

"Guys," Mom hesitates, "guys can you stop for a second." Mom waits until we stop what we're doing and turn around. "This is Mark, Mark Coleman. And Mark, these are my kids, Grant, Jacey, and Sawyer."

We each wave as she introduces us. I can't help but smile when I see Grant wave with a big kitchen knife in his hand. What a little punk, he must have grabbed it out of the drawer just for the effect since I haven't used it all night. Naturally Mom didn't even notice Grant being goofy, she was far too busy smiling up at Mark adoringly. I couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked in a strappy blue sundress and sweater she wore to last years award banquet, her light brown hair hangs loose, barely brushing her shoulders.

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