Chapter 33

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"Hey, do you guys want to go to dinner tonight? Like a double date?" Autumn asks me in chemistry a couple of weeks later. "It's been forever since the four of us really did anything together."

"We hung out this weekend," I laugh.

"At the barn, it's not the same thing," Autumn says matter-of-factly. Truthfully, I do know exactly what she means, it's not the same as a real date night, we're always focused on the horses and Andy and Oliver are just sort of hanging out.

"Personally, I'm in," I say as I turn to motion to Andy from across the classroom. Mr. Witt made Andy and Justin move tables after he caught us all talking one too many times. I point at Autumn then mime eating, it's nonsense, but he seems to get the idea and nods.

"Do you think he has any idea what he just said yes to?" Autumn asks with a raised eyebrow.

"He doesn't have a clue," I laugh. "But he'll want to go. What time were you thinking?"

"Doesn't matter, I don't have anything after school. Well, I should be studying for exams, but I'm pretty sure I don't actually have to take any this year."

"I know, how exciting is that? The only one I'm waiting find out about is my statistics class, but I'm pretty sure I'm exempt. I found out this morning I don't have to take one in ASL. It's amazing what happens when you go to class and you study," I laugh.

Our school has a pretty easy system, you can be exempt from any exam in which you have an A or B grade as long as you haven't missed more than a certain number of days, the better your grade the more days you can miss. You can also be exempt if you pass your standardize test if there is one for the class. Luckily I have A's in both of my classes that didn't have standardize tests since I've missed a few days of school horse showing this year.

"I'll check with Oliver and we'll let you know," Autumn says as the bell rings.

Andy walks over to our desk, "So you're having lunch with Autumn? How?"

"No," I laugh. "Autumn and Oliver want to go on a double date tonight, for dinner."

"Ohh," Andy laughs. "That's not what it looked like you were saying at all."

"I knew he didn't know what you were saying," Autumn laughs as we head out of the classroom.

"Well, I'm in not like I have anything to do tonight. But, Sawyer you have to ride Vera right?" Andy asks.

"That Little Black Dress pony? You're still having to ride her?" Autumn asks.

"Yeah, she's been completely perfect and I've tried everything. I think you could tie and actual bomb to that pony's tail and she wouldn't care. I was expecting her to be a nightmare," I shrug.

"Ha! Nightmare..." Autumn laughs. When we both just stare at her she says, "It's funny, you know, because she's black like night and also a mare."

"Nope, that's dumb," I can't help but smile at how much she's laughing about it though. "Well, Vera shouldn't take long, and it's Thursday so it's the twins' night to feed. How about six o'clock at Anna's?"

"Sounds good," Autumn says before heading off to study hall.

"You're still coming out to the barn with me today right?" I ask Andy before he follows Autumn. I make it a point to never ride a training horse without someone else there, even the mellow ones like Vera.

"Yeah, of course," Andy smiles, giving me a quick kiss before dashing into the art room.

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