Chapter 10

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Sometime after the playlist ends, Andy rubs my shoulder to wake me up. "Look," he whispers as he pulls the headphone from my ear. I look over to see Treasure laying down and it appears her water has broken. I reach over and take Andy's phone.

"Sorry, there's no way I'm missing this," I'm grinning ear to ear. I start filming, camera facing us though. "Hey everyone, it's me Sawyer!"

"And I'm Andy," Andy pipes up from beside me once he sees he is in the shot.

"It's a little after 4am, and we've been camped out in the barn most of the night while everyone else we know is snug in bed. You might be wondering why we would camp out on a stormy night like this," I flip the camera so you see out of the window where rain is steady falling. "Well," I say as I turn the camera on Treasure, "It's finally happening. On the morning of September 22nd at..."

"4:17am," Andy says with a glance at his watch.

"My mare, National Treasure is having her foal!"

We both slowly stand, trying to be as quiet as possible. We watch and film as Treasure gives birth. Sadly, I can't even find the words to describe what it was like. Once the little, very long legged foal is born and Treasure is sitting up, I hand the phone back to Andy. I walk over to her, I kneel down and stroke her forehead, "Good job girl," I tell her with a little kiss right on her big star. I walk slowly over towards the baby to have a good look. Poor thing looks exhausted, being born must be a lot of work.

"What's the verdict? Filly or colt?" Andy asks. I look over and he's turned the camera back on and is filming me.

"Um," I say as I look over the little chestnut baby laying in front of me. "Filly!" I exclaim.

"Well guys, you heard it here, and saw it here too. The newest addition to Hunters Hollow and the newest member of the Finch family is a filly. That's a girl, for you non horse people," Andy smiles. "Be back with a name later on," he adds before putting the phone back in his pocket.

I stand back up, time to let them bond. They don't need me interfering. I walk back over to where Andy is still standing in the corner of the stall. "Congratulations," Andy says pulling me in for a hug. "I just can't believe this," he whispers in my ear.

I lean back a fraction of an inch to see Andy better, his arms still wrapped around my waist and mine still lingering on his arms. I stare into his pale green eyes watching as they flick over my face. "What?" I ask him, feeling myself move the tiniest bit closer to him.

"Just," Andy lifts a hand from my waist, he reaches up to brush a few stray hairs from my face, then lightly run his index finger along my jaw, stopping under my chin. Ever so slightly he raises my chin, leaning in, he pauses a second away letting me come forward to meet him. Our lips met, it could have been seconds or minutes, but when we break apart he leans his forehead against mine and finally finishes the sentence he started a lifetime ago. "You."

I stand back up on my toes, pulling him to me, kissing him again.

I stand back up on my toes, pulling him to me, kissing him again

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