Chapter 30

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"You have everything you need?" Mrs. Masters asks as she rifles through the front pocket of Andy's backpack again, checking to confirm he has everything. "And, Sawyer? You too?"

I nod, "I'm pretty used to doing this whole thing and Andy's a lot easier to organize than the twins," I laugh. "It's going to be weird not having to keep track of you today," I poke Jacey, who scowls.

"Whatever. Tell Dad and Christine I say hi," Jacey's voice dips with sass.

"Behave this week," I give her an equally exasperated look. "Poor you, a whole week with your best friend at the beach."

At least that seems to cheer her up, she gives Emily a big grin, then gives me a hug goodbye. "You behave too," she eyes me then pointedly eyes Andy. This girl, I swear she's twelve going on twenty-one.

"Okay," Andy say glancing at his watch, "we should get going. Security and all that," he hugs his parents goodbye.

"You'll FaceTime us while you're on the tour?" his mother asks for the hundredth time, fussing with the collar of his shirt.

"Yeah, we gotta go. Bye!" Andy nods towards the escalators.

"Thanks for the ride," I hug Mr. Masters. "And for taking Jacey with you to the beach," I say as I hug Mrs. Masters. "Bye girls," I add as I turn to follow Andy to the escalators.

"I didn't think she was going to actually let us leave," Andy says through a fixed smile as he turns to wave at his family. "You're so lucky your mom doesn't make such a fuss every time you go away."

"Well we do go to California a few times a year, she's just used to it. Plus, I think she's still a little in shock she agreed to this," I laugh as we turn to the insanely busy line at security. "Remind me, who's idea was it that we fly out the day before Easter? This is going to take forever."

"Your father's, they really wanted us to be there for Easter with Christine's family," Andy stretches up to see the front of the line. "At least we have plenty of time; for once Dad's flying anxiety is going to pay off."

We slowly make our way through security check point; which is at least moving at an efficient pace, just long lines. I check our gate number again while Andy is pulling his shoes back on, "How did you get done so quickly?" he asks as he jogs over to where I'm waiting.

"You forget, I'm a pro," I say pointing to my slip on black Tom's.

"Cheater," Andy says glancing down at his converses. "Those are going to suck for hiking though."

"It's cute how you think you've just one upped me," I laugh as we make our way towards our gate. "I packed shoes to hike in, and boots in case we end up with enough time to go ride. I'm nothing if not prepared."

"I should've let you pack my stuff," Andy says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Probably. I'm willing to bet we make at least two trips to Target for things you forgot to pack," I laugh as I wrap my arm around his waist.

"Is this where I admit I actually already realized I forgot something?" he asks.

"No way, what?" I grin looking up at him.

"The charger for my watch," he groans.

"Dad has one, no worries, I'm sure he has an extra charger."

"So that doesn't require a Target run, you might lose your bet then. Want coffee?" he asks pointing towards a distant Starbucks just as we take off our backpacks and I sit down.

"Sure," I say as I start to stand.

"I got it, your usual?" Andy asks as he starts to back away.

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