Chapter 37

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I spend the next couple of days remembering how to use crutches. I've been on them a couple of times over the years, but never with a sever injury just a sprained knee a couple of years ago and another minor injury to the same knee last year too. I get back in the swing of it pretty easily, however every single step hurts and I'm exhausted after just a few moments. The idea of getting around the farm is daunting. The doctors release me on Monday morning and while the idea of actually being at home nearly brings tears of joy to my eyes, I can't help but wonder how this is going to go without all of the nurses to help me.

My eyes lock on the barn the moment we start down the driveway. "Can I go see Rosie?" I ask Mom.

"I don't think that's the best idea honey. The barn is so far from the house," Mom eyes the distance from the house to the barn which has never been farther away.

I wipe a tear from my cheek, "That's true."

"We'll get you out there as soon as possible, I promise," Mom tries to smile at me but fails. She parks as close as she can to the steps then comes over to help me out of her SUV.

"I can bring her up here if you want me to," Jacey offers.

"Really?" my head snaps up hopefully at the suggestion.

"Yeah, just wait here," Jacey says as she sprints off to the barn. I love that kid.

Mom finally manages to help me out of the car the best she can and I make my way to the steps. I try to figure out a good way to sit down, but it turns out that's a lot harder than it sounds when you can't bend your leg. My left leg is still bandaged around the knee and I have more bandages at the top of my thigh. I was surprised to learn that I wouldn't have a cast, but the doctors explained that since they put in a rod with screws they didn't need to put a cast on. I give up looking for a way to sit on the steps and just lean uncomfortably against my crutches.

My heart races when I see Jacey walking towards me with my filly. What if she's afraid of my crutches? I hadn't considered that possibility until I saw her, it might break my heart even more if Rosie spends the next few months afraid of me.

"Hey girly," I say to Rosie when Jacey gets here a few feet from me. I start to move towards her and Rosie's eyes get big and she takes a couple steps back as I move the crutches, my heart sinks.

"Why don't you just stay where you are and Jacey you bring Rosie closer. I think she's probably just confused by the crutches," Mom suggests.

I move both crutches to my left side so I have a free hand and Mom stands right behind me just in case I start to lose my balance. Jacey brings Rosie closer and the curious little filly starts sniffing me. As Rosie sniffs my face I smile for the first time in days.

Just standing here is exhausting me though, so after a couple of minutes Jacey walks Rosie back to the barn. I watch her leaving and wonder how different her life will be now. I have a hard time believing I'll bounce right back from this injury. Mom helps me make my way into the house and to the couch, there's no way I'll make it upstairs. It takes some pretty impressive maneuvering but after a couple of minutes Mom has me settled into the reclining couch. It turns out that the key is for her to slowly lift my leg as I sit, then holding it while I let the foot rest up. Who knew sitting could be so difficult.

Mom's already brought a bunch of my stuff down from my room. Several blankets and pillows are stacked next to me and she busies herself positioning everything trying to make me comfortable. "Mom," I say after a few minutes of watching her, "this is going to sound ridiculous," I pause.

"What?" she asks looking up from where she was tucking a pillow next to my injured leg for support.

"Will you get me a couple other things?"

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