Chapter 27

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While MOST of the pictures I've used throughout the story have been random things I've pulled from the internet, this is not. This is my real life Kenzie. My Kenzie was a wonderful Oldenburg cross mare named GiGi. GiGi gave me wings when I forgot how to fly, and for this I will be forever grateful for her. She was a truly amazing horse who I had much to little time with. Although GiGi passed away a number of years ago, I feel her with me every moment. Thanks for helping me find my way Gi. 

"Autumn, I just love this little pony of yours. I know he did great in Lexington and Raleigh when you guys went with Kendall. Tell me more about him," Julie says as we're warming up our horses Monday afternoon.

"He's a seven year old Connemara pony who I got as an early birthday at the end of October. I actually broke him as a three year old and did most of his training before I moved here last year. We did the green large ponies at the shows in December with Ava," Autumn says.

"That's great. Where does he fall height wise?" Julie asks.

"He's right at 14.1 3/4 hands," Autumn scratches Will's neck.

"Top of the line. I think you'll be well placed when you sell him later this year," Julie nods.

Autumn's eyes flick to mine and she frowns. "Autumn probably won't be selling Will at the end of the season. Showing isn't that important to her," I speak up.

"I'd like to join the James River Hunt next year and take him fox hunting, that's what my background is in," Autumn adds.

"Plus we have Seeker who could use someone to show him," I shrug.

"He's just doing so well, I expected you would want to sell him to someone who could keep showing him," Julie squints at Autumn in disapproval. Julie has always been a little to practical when it comes to horses. She's even sold a couple of horses that I know she truly loved because the money was right, whereas Mom never sells anything. I like to think that growing up with the two of them I have a nice balance of the two, I get attached but I know when it's time to move on too.

"Julie, we don't all have that sensible side. Some of us actually get attached," I say trying to break the tension.

"I suppose. You might consider a nice half lease, if Jacey outgrows Jovie maybe. You could make a good amount of money on the lease and still have him to fox hunt and play on. Unless you're going away to school, which would complicate things," Julie sounds like she's thinking out loud.

Abruptly Julie turns to Ali, "And how are things with Preston? I haven't seen you at a show since finals. Is everything alright?"

Ali blushes, "Preston is really great."

Like she would even know. This is the first time I've seen Ali here in weeks.

"I've just been a little busy with senior year so showing hasn't been as much of a priority over the winter; but, I'm looking forward to picking back up when the regular season shows start in April," Ali continues.

"Alison, you should be making time for shows. It's not just your senior year but also your final junior year. Next seaon you'll be competing in the younger adults. That means having to step back up and compete with Lily, Katie, Hannah, Brittany, not to mention the ones who all aged out prior to them. This is your time. Those girls that you struggled to show against your whole life are adults now. This is your time to shine, especially if Sawyer is competing in the juniors," Julie scolds. "Anyway, enough lectures for trip. Let's have some fun!"

Julie sets up a fun yet complicated equitation course for us and once we've run warmed up we run through the whole course. After we've gone through twice each, Julie starts breaking down each element of the course so we can work on each piece. There was a particularly interesting rollback to another rollback which was at first a little tricky but extremely fun.

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