Chapter 6

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"I can't believe you're letting them come," Andy groans as we're walking our horses out of the barn.

"They played the 'Mark card'. Today, that's pretty much the "Get out jail free" card. At least they're going to carry some of the stuff," I say trying to distract from all of the negative parts of having four twelve year olds tagging along on our trail ride.

They caught us coming out of the house and guilted me into letting them come along. I really thought Mom would say there weren't enough horses. But all of her afternoon lessons are with boarders, so most of our lesson horses were available. In the end up with Andy on Seeker, Grant on his pony Finn, Jacey on our lesson pony Player, Ali on a lesson horse named Potter, Joey on our saintly beginner pony Classy, Emily riding our cute old pony Griffin and I was riding Jovie. The Ali and Jacey were tasked with carrying the two backpacks, one with chips and sandwiches and the other with bottles of water.

I watched as Andy mounted up on Seeker, I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing that young thoroughbred in western tack. He's loves Andy though. He's only been riding for the last year or so but he's a natural. It's actually a little sickening for someone like me who had to work so hard for all of it. Jacey helps Joey climb up in the western saddle on Classy before mounting up herself. The rest of us hop on and we're heading down the driveway. This should be interesting everything from ponies to 16.2 hand horses.

We're all pretty quiet as we make our way down the road as it turns from gravel to dirt, then to grass and finally we make our way into the trees. The moment we enter the trees there is a complete uproar from the four kids. They were actually loud enough to spook Seeker. I watch as Andy calms him back down, which only takes a moment. It would appear that the kids have been holding in everything that Mark has said or done to upset them since last night.

I just wait for them to run out of steam; I know everything they are saying is valid. But, despite everything, as I listen to them I decide to take the high road. We've known this guy for 19 hours and while every single part of me was worried about him, if we're wrong and we ruin Mom's chance at happiness I will never be able to forgive myself. Someone has to be on Mom's side, I love her and I just want her to be happy. Plus, it's a lot easier to feel supportive when I'm not having to see him.

I just bite my tongue until we get to the fork in the trail. We all come to a halt while we try to decide which way to go. The two trails meet back up in a pretty little clearing; the trail to the right is the easy way and the one to the left is more difficult.

"You guys take the hard trail. We'll go the other way," Grant speaks up. The awkward fact is the only person not capable of taking the harder trail is Joey.

"I don't know, I really don't like the idea of splitting up. What if something happens? Mom will kill me," I say contemplating the idea.

"We have our phones, so baring freakish events we'd be able to call you. Besides, we crashed your plans. Go the other way," Grant nods towards the left.

That's way to considerate, even for Grant; something's up. I glance to Andy who shrugs, then to Ali who nods.

"Sawyer, chill! The trail only splits for like twenty minutes and that's if you're walking it." Grant takes in my look, "Which we will 100% be doing," he adds.

"Twenty minutes. If you're late or crazy early I'll kick your butt," I sigh turning Jovie away from the kids to follow Ali and Andy down the left hand trail. I'm not thrilled to be splitting up, so many things can go wrong; especially with a novice rider like Joey. But one glance around the group had showed me I was in overprotective mode.

"Well, let's get moving," Ali smile, "our way takes longer!"

I smile as we break into a gentle canter. We make our way down the straight section of trail before breaking down to the trot for the fun twists and turns on the narrower sections of the trail. We play over several ditches, banks, and cross country style jumps on our way to the meadow. Andy always hangs out patiently while Ali and I play over jumps. I keep suggesting he try english but he's perfectly happy riding western. We make our way onto the meadow about fifteen minutes later; our way is only longer if you walk the whole thing.

In one of my mother's moments of genius she decided to install tie lines and a hitching post here several years ago when we used to come here for picnics. Andy, Ali, and I pull off our horses bridles and slip on halters and leadlines from the storage boxes I suggested we add a few years back. 

Andy walks over to the bag with waters in it that Ali dropped earlier and pulls a queen sized sheet out of it, "No need to sit in the grass," he laughs.

We all sit down on the sheet and sip our waters while we wait for the kids. "They all seemed pretty set on this idea of hating Mark," Andy says eying me.

"Yeah, I noticed," I sigh.

"Cause he's the worst!" Ali exclaims.

"I know, he really is. But..." I trail off.

"But what?" Ali questions with raised eyebrows.

"I have to stick to my decision to give him a chance. Mom seems happy, maybe he just sucks at first impressions. Who knows?" Even I can hear how weak my resolve is.

"You have to be joking. You are completely insane," Ali responds, as usual completely honestly.

"Just fake it at least. Cause if we all give him a chance, even if it's just for Mom, the kids might too." I glance at my phone, they're already two minutes late.

"Shhh," Andy says with a finger to his lips. We're all quiet for a moment, "See you can already hear them. Stop worrying so much."

A moment later the Jacey, Emily, Joey, and Grant come riding into the clearing. "It's about time," Andy calls out harshly. I'm a little surprised since he just told me to chill out.

"You guys have all of the food!" he calls. "I didn't realize it when we split, but all we have are drinks. If you guys died we would have been really hungry," he laughs as Jacey drops the backpack on the sheet on her way to tie up her pony.

"Good thinking with the sheet!" Jacey smiles at Andy. I grin as I realize she's batting her eyelashes again. I laugh a little as she walks away, which earns me an over the shoulder glare.

I wait for her to be out of ear shot before whispering, "Forget what I said last night, I know who Jace is crushing on."

"No. Don't be weird," Andy blushes.

"Oh yeah, I totally saw it too!" Ali laughs, "Must be something about those Finch girls."

She thinks she is so funny. I could hit her. I can't believe she just said that.

"Lucky me," Andy replies with a little grin in my direction.

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