Chapter 32

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"We need to talk!" Jacey storms into my room a couple of weeks after I return from California. She's literally dragging Grant by the arm behind her. Grant looks mad, I can't remember the last time I saw Grant angry.

"Jacey, stop!" Grant yells trying to pull away from her.

"No! I've been telling since she got home. Sawyer needs to know," Jacey argues right back.

"I need to know what?" I glance back and forth waiting for someone to answer me, but they're just having a silent argument. "Guys, someone tell me something."

"Fine, if you won't tell her I will," Jacey snaps, still standing between Grant and the door. "Grant and Mom had a fight while you were in California."

"A fight?" I ask skeptically.

"Mark was being crazy," Jacey begins but I cut her off.

"Crazy? What kind of crazy?" I feel my pulse quicken just remembering the fit he through while we were gone for Christmas.

Grant lets out a big sigh, "They were fighting."

This is when Grant's quiet nature really drives me insane. If Jacey had been the one here when it happened I would be treated to ten thousand words on the subject, but with Grant I barely even get a sentence.

"Fighting about what? What kind of fighting?" I probe.

"I don't really know, I came in from the barn and they were already arguing. I'm not even sure they knew I was there," Grant says reluctantly.

"Is that it? They argued?" my heart is settling back down. Everyone argues. Hell, Andy and I argued on the drive yesterday because he was freaking out about getting a B on a test and I reminded him that he was already in U.C. Davis. It was so stupid.

"Yeah," Grant says.

"Jacey," I begin but this time it's her turn to cut me off.

"Mark pushed her!" Jacey exclaims.

"WHAT?! Grant that's not some little argument!" I heart may have actually stopped. No, wait, there it is racing.

"He knew I was there after that," Grant grumbles.

"What does that mean?" I'm pacing around my room, wait, when did I even stand up?

"I pushed him back," Grant snaps.

"Shit, shit, shit. It's been two weeks! Why am I just now hearing about this?" Now I'm mad. I'm mad at Mark. I'm mad at Mom. I'm mad at Grant and Jacey for waiting this long to tell me.

"I told him to tell you as soon as I found out," Jacey interjects.

"Jacey, you should have told me then," I snap at her.

"I told her not to," Grant argues.

"You both know better than to hide this stuff from me! I can't believe you didn't tell me," I'm furious.

"You came home all happy from your trip to Dad's. I didn't want to ruin everything," Grant says looking down dejectedly.

I let out a long sigh, "Bud, that's not the way this works. I need to know about stuff like this. If no one tells me how am I supposed to do anything?"

"You can't do anything. Trust me, I tried," Grant sighs. "Why ruin everyone's good mood when nothing can be done. I didn't even tell Jacey."

I point back and forth between them, "Clearly you did."

"He didn't actually," Jacey admits. "Joey did."

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