Chapter 41

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I'm still sitting in the dining room alone when Andy arrives an hour later. Mom stormed out to the barn and Dad walked quietly, and defeatedly, to his rental car and drove away. I haven't heard from him since.

"What's wrong?" Andy asks the moment he walks into the dining room and sees my devastated face.

"I..." I try to start but fail. "We..." I begin again, then faultier. "They..." I point to the kitchen and Andy glances over towards the island expecting to see someone.

"Sawyer? Who? What happened?" Andy says in a determinedly calm voice.

"My parents, they were arguing," I glance back to the empty kitchen.

"Is everything okay?" he crouches down in front of me, taking my hands.

All I can do is shake my head, I feel my eyes fill with tears then I finally choke out, "No. Nothing will ever be okay."

"Why?" Andy asks reaching up to my face, forcing me to meet his eyes. "You have to tell me what's going on. I'm trying really hard not to freak out." I can hear the waiver in his voice as he fights to stay calm.

"They were fighting and I came in. Mark is coming home," I glance back at the mudroom door. "Dad and I were both kind of caught off guard because she hasn't even really talked about him since my accident. Dad was mad, I got in the middle of it. Mom started in on me, first saying that I was lying about what happened when I got hurt, then about us dating, then saying Julie and I didn't want her to be happy."

"Are you serious?" Andy's eyebrows pull together, "That's ridiculous."

"I tried to be nice about it, but she just kept at it and I lost it. I brought up a bunch of the stuff he's done, like New Years and shoving her, and just the way he treats us all," I put my head in my hands.

"When did he shove her?" Andy asks, shocked.

"While we were in California for spring break," I chew on my lower lip. I'd forgotten that I never told Andy about that. "Sorry, I should have told you. Grant stepped in and there was an argument. I just felt so guilty for not being here and embarrassed."

"Sawyer, it's going to be okay," Andy tries to soothe me.

"She said she doesn't need me in her life if I can't be supportive of their relationship.

"Holy shit. I'm so sorry Sawyer. I don't even know what to say." Andy helps me up and wraps his arms protectively around me.

"I've just been sitting here trying to understand what just happened. I've never felt so alone. My mother doesn't want me," I cry.

Andy hugs me tighter, "I hate this for you. I'm just so sorry."

"Can I ask you something?" Andy asks hesitantly as we sit on the couch a couple of hours later.

I shrug, "I guess." I'm still in shock.

"Well, it's just," Andy trails off.


"I don't really know how to ask what I'm trying to ask," he sighs. "I mean, the only way I can think of to ask you my question sort of makes me sound like a dick."

"Well, just spit it out and I promise to not be offended," I tell him as the slightest hint of a smile tugs at my lips. I can't even imagine him sounding like a dick.

"Does this change things? Would you reconsider moving to California with me?" Andy says it all hesitantly like he's afraid of my answer.

That wasn't really what I was expecting and I don't know the answer. Wanting to be here to work with Mom and be with the twins was the only real reason I hadn't considered it in the first place. If Mom doesn't want me here that changes things with her, but not with the twins. I don't want to leave them here to deal with all of this alone.

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