Chapter 42

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My family is gone as The Masters, Andy, Oliver, Autumn, and I pack the last of my things into the trailer and u-haul. I haven't been a huge help throughout this process, but I am at least finally able to put the tiniest amount of weight on my left leg as long as I'm still using the crutches. Autumn walks up from the barn holding Kenzie's show cooler and both Kenzie and Rosie's feed buckets.

"I think that might be everything. I've looked everywhere and this was the last of it," Autumn says triumphantly.

"We have everything from inside too," Andy points at the back of the u-haul, "With room to spare."

"I think you're using that term loosely there," I say as I take in the empty six inches of space along the back of the trailer.

"That's an entire wall of stuff that we could fit in there. Room to spare is totally appropriate," Andy says as he walks up behind me, wrapping his arm around my chest.

"If you say so," I lean into him.

"So, tomorrow morning?" Mrs. Masters sighs.

"Bright and early," Andy nods. "We're hoping to head out before the sun comes up. We have to make it to Franklin, Tennessee tomorrow."

Our entire trip has been planned out because of Rosie and Kenzie. Franklin, Tennessee tomorrow, then Oklahoma City, on to Albuquerque, New Mexico, from there we go to Flagstaff, Arizona, and finally to Dad's. I'm dreading the trip just a little with my leg and I feel bad for Andy who will have a sleeping passenger for a lot of the five day drive. But I'm so glad to be leaving.

The last two weeks have been tense at home. It's been an emotional roller coaster. I'm sad to be leaving my friends, the twins, my students, and my other horses. Leaving Moxie and Treasure is nearly as painful as leaving Jacey and Grant, but I don't own them so I can't take them. Honestly that may be for the best though, I only have a three horse trailer and if I was allowed to take one it would break my heart to have to choose.

Mom had some harsh words when I told her I was leaving. She called me ungrateful, spoiled, and she told me I wasn't the daughter she raised. She said she couldn't believe I would bail on my family for a guy I've been dating for 9 months. I reminded her that she's the one who got engaged after a month and a half; at which point she stormed out.

No matter how many times I try to patch things up so I can leave on good terms, she just throws it back in my face. I was comforted to realize that while I may not be the daughter she raised, she is no longer the mother who raised me. That woman wouldn't treat me this way. That woman wanted me to spread my wings, not stay at home forever, so I think I am still that girl. Mom is the one who has changed.

Kristen, Lizzy, and Sarah organized a huge going away party for me over the weekend. It was so great to have a chance to tell everyone goodbye. Everyone was sweet, wishing us the best. Of course as far as they know I'm just moving to California to be with Andy.

"So, we'll meet you guys here at five?" Autumn asks.

"While I wish the answer was hell no, later than that! Sadly the answer is yes," I laugh.

"We can pick you guys up so you don't have to leave your car here," Mrs. Masters offers. "We'll be here to drop off Sawyer and Andy anyway."

"That would be great," Oliver says thankfully.

"See you guys in the morning," Autumn calls as we climb into Andy's parents' car. We spend the night at Andy's since my bed has been packed already.

"I can't believe we leave in the morning," Andy says glancing around his sparse room as we climb into bed.

"I know, it seems unreal," I agree.

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