Chapter 36

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I've never been so uncomfortable in my life, pain radiates through me again as I shift slightly in my bed.

"Hey, you're okay," Andy says holding my hand.

I open my eyes and take in the hospital room, oh right. "Hey," I say sleepily to Andy. I glance around the room but no one else is here. Andy has blond stubble across his jaw, he looks tired. "What time is it?" I ask looking for a clock. I notice the pictures from my room that Andy gave me for Christmas, the little stuffed bee he bought me after our trip to California, even my old comforter have all been brought from home.

"It's late sweets," Andy says checking his watch. "One am."

"Where is everyone?" I ask him.

"You're parents went to separate corners for the night," Andy shrugs.

"Separate corners?" I ask, not sure what he means. "Oh," I say as I remember, "they were fighting."

"I'd just had enough of listening to them so I suggested everyone go home for the night and get some sleep. They were driving me insane and I was worried they would wake you up."

"Did she really not know we were dating?" I ask.

"How did you know about that?" Andy asks me.

"I heard them," I shrug.

"Oh. Yeah apparently she's been paying even less attention than we all thought. Your dad sort of lost it on her. I won't lie, it was pretty impressive; but it got old really quickly," Andy shrugs. "They'll be back in the morning. I'm hoping a decent night of sleep will make a difference for everyone. You slept through all of your other visitors," Andy adds with a weak smile.

"That sucks," I sigh. "Where did all of my stuff come from?" I ask.

"Autumn and Jacey brought it. Autumn picked the kids up from school and they went out to gather some stuff. A bunch of people have texted asking to come see you, but I told them to wait since you just had surgery. Ali texted after dinner to see if you were up, she's coming by in the morning with breakfast for you."

"Yay," I say quietly. "Who else even wants to come?"

"Several of the younger students, mostly Jacey's friends, have had their parents text you asking to come," Andy scrolling through my phone.

I make a face and he quickly adds, "I suggested that they maybe all send cards with Jacey instead."

"Thanks, I don't really feel like seeing a ton of people right now."

"I know," Andy says with his little half smile. "Kristen, Lizzy, and Sarah have all sent texts too just saying to let them know when you are up for visitors. Ava said she and Jayne would really like to come down next weekend. They would love to be here now but Jayne is still moving into her new apartment and her dad is there helping and Ava has a local show to coach at. I told them I'd have you text them."

"Have you even been home yet?" I ask, looking at the dark circles under his eyes and that tell tale stubble.

"I'm fine. My mom brought me some stuff and I took a shower earlier," Andy gestures to the bathroom where there must be a shower.

"You don't have to stay," I say feeling guilty.

"Nice try. I know I don't have to stay. I want to be here with you," Andy rolls his eyes with a much more normal grin. "Are you hungry? You slept through dinner but I can find something for you."

I shrug, "I should probably eat, but I'm just not really hungry."

"Why don't I go get you something from Wawa? It's just down the street. Peach smoothie?"

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