Chapter 5

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I lay there, trying my best not to wake Andy up, attempting to take it all in. I simply can't wrap my head around the thought that Andy could possibly be interested in me. We have never been more than friends and until today I never even noticed him showing any interest in being anything more. Of course, I've hoped over the years that maybe he would one day look at me and see more, but I haven't ever thought it was a possibility.

Yet, here we are.

I hear a loud creak from the front door, which is practically right underneath us. It's probably Mom, she comes out to sit on the front porch to drink her coffee most mornings once she finishes in the barn. I am however very shocked to hear the door open a second time.

Oh, right, Mark. Somehow I've managed to forget all about the fact that Mark is still here. Forgot, who are we kidding, I think it's fair to say I'd blocked it out. That's the same thing, right? Really at this point though, the fact that he's still here isn't shocking, it's logical. However; the conversation is shocking.

"That boy is still here," Mark spits snidely.

"Andy? He stays the night sometimes," my mother answers. Even she sounds shocked that he's saying anything about Andy.

"No daughter of mine would be allowed to have a member of the opposite sex spend the night," Mark responds curtly.

Well, good thing I'm not his daughter then, I think. I hope Mom will point this out.

"Well, she's my daughter, not yours," Mom replies. "He sleeps on the couch," she says matter-of-factly.

I feel a little bit bad when I hear that response, seeing as how I'm currently laying on the roof with Andy's arm wrapped around me.

"Sure he does," Mark laughs, maybe I imagine it, but to me the laugh sounds cold.

Alright, I think, this is currently a fair statement. Which is really annoying. Maybe it's just hearing this conversation, but it makes me wonder if Mark talks about us like this normally. Does he really think that he can pass judgment on us after one night?

We are most definitely not bad kids; in fact, most people consider us to be "freakishly well behaved". Though, I realize at the moment my argument sounds pretty weak, even to me, since I'm in the process of breaking a rule.

Well, not so much a rule. This is more of a gray area. It's not like we've ever talked about anything like this. We haven't even ever discussed that Andy SHOULD be on the couch. It's simply never been an issue, so it's never come up.

Yeah, no, that wouldn't stand up in court.

Andy stirs and I can hear his breathing change slightly. He must be awake, though he isn't really moving yet either. Slowly Andy starts rubbing my back; does he still think I'm asleep? Probably.

I fake a little yawn, glance around, then look up at him and point to the window. Andy nods and we quietly move back through the window and into my room.

"That guy is such an ass," I whisper as Andy heads towards the door. "I can't really explain now, but I will later," I say in answer to his very confused look.

I glance over at my clock, great it's 7am. "But for now, I guess I'm going to change and start breakfast. Maybe that'll get everyone stirring."

"Everyone is happier when they wake up to bacon," Andy grins at me.

I watch from the doorway as Andy heads straight across the landing and down the stairs. I just hope he doesn't run into Mark and Mom coming through the front door. I check the weather on my phone then head over to my closet and search for a few minutes before I locate my tan breeches and a navy polo shirt. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and pull my long, straight, hair into a low ponytail then head downstairs.

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