Chapter 39

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By the time graduation comes I'm getting around okay with my crutches. Life has returned to as normal as it is possible to be. I've been able to make it to school a couple of half days but even that wipes me out. It's been three weeks and all I hear from people is how great I'm doing, but I'm starting to feel like I'll never be great again.

I was able to sit on the porch last weekend while Autumn rode Kenzie, I cried the entire time. She's my best friend and there is no one here I would trust more with Kenzie, but it felt like my heart was being ripped out to watch anyone else ride her. Kenzie needs to be worked while I'm hurt, however knowing that doesn't actually make it any easier. In the end I went inside while Autumn cooled Kenzie out and sent her a text telling her I was exhausted and going to lay down.

This wasn't how I had always pictured my graduation day, so many things have changed this year. I always thought it would be Ali and me standing together for pictures, but instead Ali is off with Rachel and Greg taking pictures while Autumn, Oliver, Andy, and I take pictures in our blue and white robes, with me in the middle leaning on my crutches.

I've missed Ali this year, but I guess people just grow apart. I've been told recently that it's actually pretty normal for even the best of friends to go their separate ways during senior year. I wave to her when I catch her glancing my way, she grins and waves back but doesn't come over.

"Okay, now lets get one of just the girls," Autumn's mom says and the boys step out of the picture. I try not to laugh as Andy makes goofy faces at me from behind the small group of parents.

"I need a picture of Sawyer and Andy together," Mrs. Masters says once everyone has taken pictures of Autumn and me. Autumn and Oliver's families make their way to a spot in front of the trees to take family pictures while Andy comes over to stand next to me.

"These crutches suck," I groan. "They're always in the way."

"Here," Andy says taking the one from my right hand and passing it to Grant. Andy wraps his arm around my waist, "Better?" he asks.

"Absolutely," I grin up at him. It sounds ridiculous, but I've missed this, just being able to stand here with Andy's arm wrapped around me. It feels like it's been years since I was able to do this, not weeks.

Andy winks at me then gives me a light kiss. "You two are so cute," Mrs. Masters says at the same time Jacey says "You two are so gross."

"Careful Jace, people will think you're jealous," Grant says and I can't help but laugh.

"Where's Mom? I wanted to pictures with you guys," I glance around but don't see her.

"She said she was running to the bathroom," Dad says.

"Why don't I take a few of the five of you while we wait for her to get back," Mrs. Masters offers.

Dad, Jacey, Grant, and Christine all crowd around me. Christine flew back out just for my graduation, though I suppose she was always coming for this. Dad has been here the whole time, he's had to do some work from home but Jim has been incredible to let him stay. I even sent him an email earlier this week to thank him for everything. In return I received the sweetest graduation card with a check for two hundred dollars signed by Jim, Patrick, and Pretzel— their corgi, who's actual little paw print was on the card! May we all know people as sweet as Jim and Patrick some day.

Mom finally makes her way back out of the school, wiping her eyes with a tissue. "I can't believe you just graduated. My first baby is all grown up," Mom wipes her eyes yet again. "I was trying to look half way decent so I didn't ruin your pictures, but then I came out and saw you all standing there and I started crying again." Mom fans her face with her hand, "Just give me a second, I'll get it together."

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