Chapter 34

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I wake up hours later in an unfamiliar room, Andy sitting on the bed next to me, holding my hand in his lap. Autumn must be on his other side because I can hear her voice but I can't see her. They talk in low voices.

"He should be here in a couple hours. I think around 2am," Andy says.

"I can't believe she didn't even call him," Autumn says.

"I think I just beat her to it," Andy offers. "I texted him while we were still waiting for the ambulance."

I try to adjust myself in the bed but let out a gasp of pain. "Sawyer?" Andy says shifting towards me, "Don't move. You're okay."

Fresh tears steam down my face as it all suddenly comes back to me. "So much for the Maclay," I groan.

"That's what you're worried about right now? Not getting to show?" Autumn's voice hints amusement but it doesn't match her expression which I see now that she's standing up.

"Did you tell Ava?" I ask.

"I'll let her know," Autumn shakes her head.

"Where is everyone?" I ask looking around.

"Mom came and picked up the twins, they're going to stay the night at my house," Andy says. "Your mom is meeting with the doctor."

"Ali, Greg, and Oliver went down to the cafeteria. Do you want anything to eat? I think it's now or never, they said you can't eat anything after midnight," Autumn says reaching for her phone. "What do you want? I'll have them bring it up."

"Surprise me," I shrug. "Why can't I eat after midnight?"

"They're going to have to do surgery on your leg tomorrow morning," Andy says, squeezing my hand.

"Oh," is all I can manage to get out. I can't believe this is happening.

"I was going to stay, if that's okay with you," Andy says. "Mom said she would let the school know."

I nod silently, Andy scoots down a little on the bed and I lay my head against his shoulder. "I can't believe this happened," I cry, Andy wraps his arms around me. We all just sit there in silence until Ali, Greg, and Oliver return.

Ali falters in the doorway for a moment then smiles widely, "So their food options were all pretty gross, so we went to Wendy's for you instead." I can hear the forced happiness in her voice.

"Thanks," I say as I try, and fail to sit up.

"Here, just adjust the bed I think. The nurse said it shouldn't move enough to hurt your leg," Andy says handing me the remote. I only move the head of the bed a little bit before I feel my butt shift ever so slightly and feel shooting pain and stop.

"Good enough," I sigh. I pick at the food they brought me, I should be starving by now but I'm just not. Everyone around me is trying to pretend everything is okay, talking about school and graduation, none of them mentioning our senior prom which will be next weekend. God, I'm going to miss my senior prom.

Finally Mom comes back from her meeting with the doctor. She walks in without really saying a word and Autumn jumps out of the standard issue green recliner so Mom can sit down. Mom doesn't say anything to anyone just sits down beside my bed and stares at my leg, which is hanging in traction. It's obvious she's been crying.

After a few minutes Autumn, Oliver, Ali, and Greg say they're going to head out but they'll be here when I get out of surgery tomorrow. Autumn hugs me, then hugs Andy before they all make their way to the door. "Call us, if you need anything," Ali says quietly as they head out.

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