Chapter 25

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"Julie and Dave are coming down next weekend," Mom announces to us week later. "I talked to her yesterday and she was going on and on about how she still hasn't met Mark, so I invited them down for the weekend. We'll celebrate Valentine's Day a day late with them; which, let's face it, is better. There won't be all of the crowds."

Julie is Mom's lifelong best friend. She lives is way over on the eastern shore of Maryland so we don't get to see her very often, maybe a couple of times a year, but when she does come it's always epic. Julie always comes down and teaches some lessons, usually my group and whichever groups the twins are in, plus she makes these huge elaborate dinner for us.

"That's great!" I exclaim. "I'll let Ali and Autumn know, they will be really excited. Autumn's only ever heard about Julie's super intense equitation lessons, she'll love it!"

"Is Ethan coming with her?" Jacey ask expectantly. Ethan is Julie's 5 year old son and Jacey loves playing with him. She'll follow him around from dawn till dusk helping him brush ponies or climb trees, whatever he wants.

"No, he isn't. Actually, things will be a little different this time. Julie and Dave want to get to know Mark, so I was hoping you guys would clear out," Mom says not meeting our gazes.

"Clear out?" Jacey snaps.

"Just until Monday," Mom says sheepishly; at least she has the good sense to know how ridiculous this is. "You guys go stay with friends for Saturday and Sunday night since you're out of school, then come home Monday and Julie will give you guys lessons." She sounds like she's trying to offer up a truce.

"I can't believe you're kicking us out," Jacey spits back; clearly she's having none of Mom's peace deal. "We never get to see Julie and now we'll only have her for a couple of hours?"

"Look at it from my standpoint," Mom pleads, "I haven't seen Julie in just as long and she's been my friend for much longer than she's been your godmother. I miss my best friend, my only friend, and I want her to get to know Mark. How will she do that if she's traipsing all over the farm with the three of you until all hours. And you know good and well that's exactly what will happen. Every time Julie comes the only time I have with her is when you all go to bed," Mom's tone quickly turns from plea to lecture.

"It's fine Jace," I say, "Let them have their time. How would you feel if you hadn't seen Emily in ten months?"

"Whatever," Jacey storms out of the room.

"That's tween for you're right," I joke to Mom.

"Sounds like fun. A weekend at Joey's and a lesson with Julie. Thanks Mom," Grant says in his typical understanding way.

"She'll be fine, enjoy your weekend with Julie and Dave," I smile. "I'll make sure everyone has plans." I can see where she's coming from, I can't imagine not seeing Autumn for ten months. If I hadn't seen Autumn for ten months I would be dying to introduce her to Andy.

"Thanks Sawyer, anywhere but here. I don't care where," she pauses, "Just not here."

"Those were her actual words?" Autumn asks the next morning. "I don't care where? Just not here?"

"Yeah why?" I ask.

"Oh sweet Sawyer," Autumn looks at me with a devilish glint in her eye. "You're mother just gave us all the permission we need to do literally anything."

I let that sink in for a moment, "You're right. What are you thinking?"

"I'm not sure yet, but give me until the end of the day," she says, a huge smile breaking across her face.

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