Chapter 20

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"Sawyer?" Andy calls as he sticks his head out of my window. "Grant said you were up here."

"Hey," I say as he starts to climb out of the window. "Sorry about tonight, I feel terrible."

"It's no big deal. Though, my mom sent you over some cheesecake. She said to tell you that they missed you," Andy says as he sits down beside me. The late November air has turned chilly again over the last couple of days so I lift the blanket and he scoots in beside me.

"What happened?" Andy finally asks a couple of minutes later.

I was meant to do Thanksgiving at home at 2pm before heading to Andy's at 4:30. But that was before the train derailed going full speed.

"Today has been the longest day," I tell him as I lay back against the roof. "So, I got up this morning and started cooking. Everything was right on schedule. I even made the mistake of thinking how well it was all going. It ran smoothly until about what should have been the half way point in our meal."

"Okay?" Andy prompts me when I pause.

"So all of a sudden Jordan just stands up and walks upstairs. A couple minutes later she comes back down. I really wasn't thinking much of it, you know, she had to pee or whatever. She comes back to the table, sits down, starts eating. Mom asks if everything is okay. And that is when Jordan drops the atomic bomb."

"Oh God," Andy mutters.

"You just think you know where I'm going," I tell him with wide eyed disbelief. "So Jordan says, 'everything is fine Lisa. I'm just pregnant.' Jacey did an actual spit take, I dropped my knife, and Mark lost his mind."

"That's exactly where I thought you were going," Andy laughs.

"It gets better," I tell him knowingly. "So they start fighting. I now know way more about Jordan than I ever wanted to. Turns out she's only eighteen and a freshman in college. For now anyway because she's dropping out. Apparently her long time boyfriend dumped her right after school started, long distance just wasn't for him."

"So who's the father?" Andy asks.

"I'm not going to tell you," I decide on the spur of the moment. "You have to guess."

"Frat guy? Professor? The Dean?" Andy jokes.

"See, you think you're being funny right now," I cock my head to the side with a little grin. "The answer is pretty much D) all of the above."

"WHAT?" Andy exclaims.

"Okay well not the Dean. But she doesn't actually know. She's just been sleeping around; a lot apparently. There's a frat guy, some dude down the hall, a guy from the all boys school down the road, oh and an actual professor, and a smattering of other guys she's met at frat parties."

Andy just stares at me dumbfounded. "Is she dropping out or flunking out? Cause with that many guys I'm surprised she has time for anything else."

I let out a little involuntary laugh. "No, stop," I sigh, "it's not funny. Things got really ugly. Mom started freaking out."

"She should be, she's about to become a step mom and a grandma," he laughs.

"Andy," I roll my eyes. "She got all upset and freaked out when I said I was going to leave to go to your house."

"I get that. I can't imagine how that would have gone done at our Thanksgiving. Though I do have a cousin Deb who would absolutely be the one causing all the drama."

"Shut up, it was awful and no one even finished eating. I worked all day on making a Thanksgiving feast no one ate."

"At least you aren't knocked up by some random dude," Andy laughs again.

"Very true, it could definitely be a lot worse," I feel bad laughing about this. Jordan was nice to me, but on second thought she butchered my Thanksgiving.

"Did I miss anything good?" I ask after we finally stop laughing.

"Definitely not in comparison to your story," Andy smiles. "My uncle James got a little drunk and started telling racist jokes. But that's pretty par for the course with him, you can see it next time. Emily was disappointed but I finally caved and told her she could come with me; she and Jacey are in the barn I think. Where is everyone?" he asks.

"Jordan and Lindsay eventually went home. Mom and Mark decided to go Black Friday shopping at the last minute, which I think had more with getting away from us than actually shopping. For once I can't blame them for wanting to get away. After someone drops a bomb like that, you need to get away and let it sink in."

"Is that what you're doing up here? Staring at the stars, listening to music, and taking in your day?" Andy asks.

"I guess that's what you could call it. I just needed some quiet after all the craziness," I say rolling over onto my stomach so I'm looking down at him.

"Can I listen with you?" he asks reaching for my headphones.

"Sure." I pass him one of the ear buds and hit play. We lay there for a while listening to music, enjoying the calm fall night. I couldn't help but watch Andy as he watched the stars.

"This song always makes me think of you," he says sometime later.

I listen for a minute and smile. Ed Sheeran's Perfect is playing.

Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow,

your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass,

listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess,

I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it,

darling, you look perfect tonight

"That's what you said to me before homecoming," I say. Andy nods and I lean forward and kiss him, listening to the song and hearing everything it's saying. Long after the song has ended we break apart. "That actually a little funny," I tell him.

"It's funny?" Andy asks confusedly.

"So I heard a song recently that made me think of you," I tell him.

"Oh yeah?" he smiles.

"It's an Ed Sheeran song," I smile back.

"Which one?"

"It's called How Would You Feel."

"I don't think I know that one," he says thoughtfully.

"It's not one of the better known songs, but it's from the same album as Perfect," I say fiddling with my phone. I find the song and hit play.

We were sat upon our best friend's roof
I had both of my arms round you
Watching the sunrise replace the moon

How would you feel, if I told you I loved you?
It's just something that I want to do
I'll be taking my time, spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
So tell me that you love me too

"Andy," I take a deep breath as the song continues playing, "I love you."

Andy grins and rolls me to my back then kisses me so deeply I forget all about my bad day and it's just him and me; here, now. When we break apart he leans his forehead against mine, "I love you too."

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