Chapter 23

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"I've tried everything," I say to Autumn and Andy Friday morning in the school parking lot. "I've asked her everything I could think of and I tried to get her to tell me about what happened, but she refuses to tell me anything. So finally last night I confronted her about it. I just flat out asked. I told her that someone I know runs rescue and they heard about it from someone who was working. Don't worry, I didn't throw Tyler under the bus or anything. I said that my friend pieced it together that it was our house. And I asked her what happened."

"What'd she say?" Autumn asks.

"That it wasn't our house and whoever told me that was a liar," I say, throwing my hands in the air.

"You have to be kidding me," Autumn says exacerbated.

"Yup, apparently whoever is spreading that rumor is just trying to start something," I groan. "I don't know what else to do."

"I don't think there is anything else you can do. You've tried so many times. If she's that deep in denial about what went down then I'm not sure you'll ever get the truth out of her," Andy sighs.

"Andy is right, you're driving yourself crazy. I mean, literally. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results," Autumn says.

"I've been back four days and I already feel like I need a vacation," I sigh.

"We're going to visit Duke, UNC, and Wake Forest this weekend. I'm sure Mom and Dad wouldn't care if you came with us," Andy offers.

That could actually be the ticket. "Sounds fun, it's still too wet to teach. Maybe ask them first though, no need pissing Mom off more than I already have for no reason."

"I'll text Mom and let you know in chemistry," Andy says giving me a quick kiss before heading off to Spanish.

"A weekend excursion with the Masters? Awkward," Autumn laughs after Andy rounds the corner.

"Why?" I ask.

"I mean, the six of you in a hotel room? How will that work?" Autumn asks.

"Anything is better than siting in a house with Mom and Mark all weekend; especially knowing everything I know," I sigh.

"You're in for awkwardness either way, guess you have to pick your poison," Autumn shrugs.

Apparently Mom wants to be around me even less than I want to be around her because she doesn't argue one bit when I pitch the idea of going to North Carolina with the Masters family. Her only question was who all was going. A few hours later Andy and I are in the car with his parents heading west on highway 58.

It turns out that Andy's aunt, Grace is staying with Chloe, Andy's four year old baby sister, and Emily. We get to Winston-Salem around 7:30pm and end up at a fancy little Italian place for dinner.

"So, up bright and early tomorrow starting with Wake Forest," Andy's dad says as he pulls apart a bread stick and pops a piece in his mouth. "Then we'll drive to Chapel Hill for UNC tomorrow afternoon. Sleeping in a tiny bit Sunday then going to brunch and on to Duke before heading home!" It's a little cute how excited he is.

"Sounds like a plan," Andy smiles, he reaches his hand under the table and takes mind. "You may possibly be able to spot Dad's mild bias if you pay close attention this weekend," he laughs.

"Duke?" I ask.

"It's just a great school," his dad says.

"It has my vote too, for what it's worth," I laugh.

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