Chapter 38

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Over the next few days on the couch in a constant cycle of visiting with people, crying, and sleeping. Not being able to do anything for myself is unbelievably frustrating. I can't even go to the bathroom alone, I need help any time I want to sit, stand, or adjust my position. I would give anything to be able to pee without someone standing there. We can't even close the door because I can't bend my leg to shut it.

I'm not lacking in visitors, that's for sure. Gran comes by Tuesday and frets over me for a while; which I don't mind one bit, especially when she makes me chicken and dumplings for lunch.

Ali comes out after school to ride Preston and pops in for a short visit. She chatters away about prom and how excited everyone is. Apparently her dress is purple and Greg rented a limo! It's all just going to be soooooo magical. I try to sound excited for her, but I think it comes out a little flat. She starts to ask about my plans, but dies off mid sentence.

"It's fine," I lie, "Andy is going to come over here for the night. He said he would rather hang out with me watching movies than go without me."

Ali smiles weakly, shifting awkwardly. It doesn't take long before she's saying she has to go ride before she runs out of time. I can hear the reluctance in her voice as she says this though, like she knows it will pain me to hear her talk about riding.

Kristen and Lizzy pop in on Wednesday and Friday just to chat for a few minute before they head to the barn too. Sarah keeps me company for a little while Thursday morning while Dad takes Christine to the airport. Sadly Christine's boss wasn't nearly as willing to give her endless time off as Dad's boss was. Autumn stops in and hangs out with me after school just about every day, always offering to bring me anything I may need. We sit around doing homework that my teachers have sent with her. It's unclear if I'll make it back to school before graduation since it's only a few weeks away. For now my teachers are working with me so I can keep my grades up.

Andy comes before dinner each night, grumbling about soccer practice and being ready for a break from it all. I've lost track with which team this is for but the school team has ended for the year. I think maybe this is the summer league his dad wants him to do so he doesn't "get rusty" before leaving for school in August. I'm not sure which of us is more tired most nights.

All in all, I'm relieved to make it to the weekend. Mom headed out Thursday after a lot of persuasion to an 'A' show up in Fredricksburg. After a week of her hovering around me, I was grateful for an excuse to shoo her and the kids out of the house. It's just Dad and me for the whole weekend; which is awkward for the bathroom situation, but otherwise great. Dad even agreed to make himself scarce Saturday so Andy and I could spend our anniversary together. It's not like he has anything to worry about since I'm broken and can't even move without help.

"We should've put you over in the recliner that swivels," Andy laughs from the kitchen. He's been in there cooking for the last forty minutes. "In my head I was thinking this would be sweet and romantic, me cooking you dinner. I wasn't thinking about spending all this time in a completely different room."

"It's definitely still sweet and romantic," I call back. "What are you making in there? It smells amazing!"

'Well, since I've had dinner here every night this week, I know the kinds of things you've had. I thought I would mix it up a little. Everyone is bringing you casseroles and lasagnas and things like that. I thought I would make you that chicken Mom made a for Christmas with roasted veggies and that weird cauliflower rice you like so much. Though, I make no promises, it may be terrible," Andy says, walking into the living room. "Pick something out for us to watch," he says passing me the remote.

"Well, if it tastes half as good as it smells I think you're good," I tell him.

Andy cooks away in the kitchen while I flip through the movies we've put on our lists on all of our different streaming services. We've really been burning through the lists lately, luckily there's always something new to add. Today however feels more like an old movie sort of day. I scroll through some of the 80's movies and land on one I love.

"Found it!" I call to Andy as he makes his way into the living room.

"Great, start it up," Andy smiles, passing me a plate. The food looks amazing! "Dirty Dancing?" Andy asks. "I've never seen it."

"It's a classic!" I say as I cut my chicken. "Well, maybe it's a girly classic," I pop a piece of chicken into my mouth. "This is really good by the way," I tell him.

"Thank God. I should've done a trial. I'd never made it before," Andy says taking a bite. "Not as good as Mom's."

"You're insane, it's delicious," I tell him.

"So, I've wanted to ask you all week, but we haven't had a moment alone," Andy says before taking another bite. "Where is Mark? His stuff is all still here."

"I think he's hiding from Dad. Mom said he's gone to help Jordan move back home and set up the nursery since she decided to keep the baby, but he's been gone all week. I think he's afraid to face Dad. Mom bought his lame story about not being outside when everything happened, but Dad didn't buy it for a second."

"Ha! I hope he is scared to come back. He's a piece of shit," Andy makes a face.

"He's a jackass," I agree as my phone dings. I unlock the screen to find a text from Autumn Missing you guys! Wish you were here! Sounds like Andy's up to his usual standards of amazement for your date tonight! Have fun! See you tomorrow! XO! Attached is a photo of Autumn and Oliver all dressed up for prom. Autumn's red hair is curly and pinned up in a stunning up-do and she looks stunning in a floor length navy dress with a beaded bodice and a plunging neckline. Oliver looks handsome in his black tux. "Autumn and Oliver say hi, and that they wish we were with them," I tell Andy, passing him the phone.

"You know, I'm sure you won't believe me, but I'd rather stay home and watch movies with you. Obviously I wish you weren't hurt, and I know we would be going if you weren't, but I like the idea of a nice quiet night here with you instead," Andy shrugs.

"That's because you're perfect," I tell him. I blush when I realize what I just said.

"I'm not perfect," Andy says.

"You're pretty much the perfect boyfriend though. And the perfect boyfriend would rather be here with his pathetic injured girlfriend than at a party with his friends," I tell him. "I'm thrilled that's who you are by the way. I love who you are!"

"Thank you?" Andy laughs. "You're a little cute when you're all fuzzy from pain meds."

"Shut up," I stick my tongue out at him.

"Awe, there's the mature girl I feel in love with," Andy laughs as he stands and takes my empty plate.

"I sure hope it wasn't my maturity you fell in love with," I giggle.

"Of course not, it was your smart ass nature and your sarcastic wit," Andy says seriously as he comes back to the couch.

"Shut up," I laugh, "the movie is starting!" I say as I push the play button.

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