Chapter 10

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Mom walks down the stairs and instantly I wish I was there when she was getting married.

She got the same bob that I did, just that the tips of mine are a little longer.

Her long pink gown should have already given people the hint by now that the baby is a girl.

We clap our hands as she gets down on the last step, we ourselves not knowing the reason for our clap but her beauty.

She looks exceptionally magnificent.

I don't know why I don't get along with her so well like I do with dad, but I sure know she's my mother and I love her and I'll love her forever.

Even though I'm not gonna tell her that anytime soon.

I go and give her a big hug, which surprises her, but she returns it after a second throwing her arms around me, her bump in between us.

I look down and know that the same way this bump is between us, the same way my sister will come between us. But even so, I'll still love her to bits. Yes, I know she's a girl.

And I kinda have a name in mind.

"Congratulations mom" I whisper in her ear and break the hug.

Kenzie also comes to give a congratulations and so do others.

I order the hired waiters to start serving the drinks as my eyes catch a glimpse of the door and I know Mackenzie Brookes wasn't joking

Walking through that thought, towards me, was the none other, Jason Roberts.

He looks at me and his jaw drops.

"You know its rude to stare right? Ain't your momma taught you nothing?" I snap

"I'm sorry" he smiles and I feel weak all of a sudden. I feel taken aback.

This is not good.

"Thanks for inviting me" he says and breaks me out of my trance.

I didn't invite you, Kenzie did

No subby that's rude.

We've been rude enough already.

"That's no problem, you invited me to your party so I think there's nothing wrong if I do same" I say

"So do you know the gender yet?" He asks

"Mom doesn't want to say it out claiming she doesn't know but any smart person would know is a girl because of the pink she's wearing" I explain

"Oh" Is all he says

"Please excuse me" I turn around and head for the little podium set up us a stage

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for attending my mom's baby shower" I say

You mean her sorry excuse for a champagne party

Not now subby.

"The meals are going to be served in a buffet style, so please feel comfortable and serve yourselves when you're ready, thank you" I say and head down

It's only the drinks the waiters are serving

Kenzie goes to the DJ to put on a song.

All of Me by John Legend starts playing.

I'm happy everyone is happy

"Mind if I have this dance?" Jason asks pulling me our of my trance.

What a gentleman!

Why are you complimenting him?

I have no idea.

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