Chapter 18

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I sit crossed legged infront if the tombstone that reads:

Ronald Wilkerson


Son and lover

Will forever be remembered


"You know Ron, I've always been a different person, but ever since you died, I've gotten worse. I'm a completely changed human being. I laugh less, talk less, smile less. I want to go back to being my own type of different, one that isn't influenced by the pain your death caused. Loving you was young, wild and free. Loving you was sunshine, hearts and rainbows. All the things a girl would want. It was cool, sweet. It was safe and sound. A steady place to let down my defenses. But then you left, and my walls came back up. I built a tower to protect myself so that no one takes advantage of the vulnerable girl I've come to be. Loving you still takes shots at me. Because even up until now, I still love you. But that doesn't mean I'm going to be a widow and mourn your death forever, I want to be able to remember the good things too. The happy memories you left with me, that will cause me to be also happy. Because for how long can I continue like this? I don't want to have to lose my senses before I finally realise that I can't hold onto you forever and that at a point I'll have to let you go. I need to move on, and maybe you would prefer it that way. You will always hold a special place in my heart Ron. Always" I dust the dirt of my knees, get up and leave.

"Hey honey, I've missed you" I coo as I pick up my baby sister.

"You're back" mom states.

"Yeah" I say and climb up the stairs, leaving Natalie to play. I change into a shirt and some booty shorts. I get all my assignments done since they are not many and just when dad calls out saying dinner is ready, the bell rings.

Who must it be at 7 PM at night?

I know it's not that late but it's late enough for someone to be visiting this household.

I jog downstairs and open the door, only to be met with Jason's dimpled smile.

"Hi, can I come in?"

"Oh yeah" I snap out of it "I'm just surprised to be seeing you here at this hour"

"Yeah about that. I didn't see you the entire day, so I decided to come check on you. Not the way to treat your bestfriend now is it?"

"I'm sorry" I apologize, knowing he's right.

"No need, just messing with you"

"Mind to stay for dinner" Mom asks

"No thank you, on my way out" he politely declines

"Please" I find myself whispering, wanting him to stay for just a little bit longer.

After dinner, Jason and I head upstairs into my room, dad yelling "Keep the door open", to which we both laugh.

"So you mind telling me where you run off to?" He asks after he settles on my bed.

How am I going to do this? Do I lie? Or tell the truth?

Sighing, I decide to tell him.

"When I was fifteen, I had a boyfriend. I know, too early for a girl to have a boyfriend and all that but I just couldn't help it. Neither could he. So he asked me out, I was ecstatic. Not to be his girlfriend yet but just to go out. I accepted. We went out a few times, drove to school together. Even McKenzie thought that I was not making time for our friendship anymore. So one time we had this programme at school, after that we left early, me not knowing he had planned a date to ask me to be his girlfriend. Just when he asked, I responded. I wanted to be his girlfriend. Heck, I didn't even have to think twice. We went to school for the first time as a couple, girls were jealous because of course, he was the golden boy. But I think McKenzie was jealous more. Bestfriends were suppose to talk about boys and all that, but anytime I bring him up, she'll change in mood. So another time we went on another date at a restaurant, to celebrate our six months anniversary, only for us to..." I stop short, not being able to continue and say the next words.

Jason gets up and pulls me into a hug, brushing my tears away with his thumbs. I didn't even know I was crying.

"You don't have to continue if you can't" he says soothingly.

"No I have to. I have to tell someone apart from my dad. We left the restaurant, but we barely made it to the car, he was shot before we could even sit in" I say, breaking into tears

"Do you know who shot him?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Up until now, we don't know who shot him. It's my fault you know. If I didn't tell him we had to celebrate, he wouldn't have taken me out and none of that would have happened. I killed him Jay, I killed him"

He hugs me close.

"No. You didn't. He would have still taken you out anyways, death is inevitable. No one caused it. He loved you, so he would have taken you out to make you happy either way. Don't blame yourself Dakota. Don't"

"You'll be fine." and that's the last thing I hear before falling asleep in his arms.

I wake up feeling good, for the first time in three years, I wake up feeling refreshed. I don't know when Jason left yesterday, but I guess I'll meet him in school. I'm happy I told him. I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off my chest.

I choose an outfit and pair it with Spongebob vans, making my way downstairs to fix a light breakfast for myself.

I decide to text Jason

Me: Off to school, where are you?

He replies immediately

Jason: I'm on my way, see you soon. Xx

Did he just send me 'Xx'? Well okay

Authors Note
The babe is finally letting go. Isn't that a good sign? So now we all know what happened to Ronald Wilkerson. But we don't know who killed him yet. Glad Dakota has started getting comfortable around Jason. But don't be too happy.
*evil laugh*
Love you bunch😚😚😚

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