Chapter 14

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By the time she was done with her little but huge rant, the whole cafeteria was staring at me, finally acknowledging my presence, and me finally acknowledging the fact that everyone has put a halt on their actions just to stare at me. Their mouths open. Eyes wide. Judgmental looks from everyone, mixed with hate, disgust, and pure distaste.

Ronald Wilkerson was the golden boy of the school, which tells why people hate me so much now. Besides, when it comes to the student news council, students live for this. And they don't miss a beat of lunch because they know they are always going to get juice.

Except today, the juice is bitter and betrayed.

I can't decipher my emotions. I am paralyzed, not believing what I just said and not believing that McKenzie just said what she did.

I am shocked.


I feel betrayed.

I want to hit someone.

So I snap.


Something just broke in me, twisted and cracked into two, causing an adrenaline to mix with my anger and flow through my veins, my heart beating rapidly, wanting to do something, anything, to get rid of this anger and hatred that is consuming me.

I stand up from the table I'm sitting at, completely forgetting about the delicious moaning pizza I was having, and throat cooling smoothie, which I really need right now. I rush out full speed, taking long strides to McKenzie, who is standing in the middle of the whole way, arms folded and a smirk on her face which grows wider at seeing me.

What. A. Bitch!

I look straight in her eyes and without warning, I


I slap her.

And do it again.

Making sure both hands have got a feel of what it feels like to connect with her cheeks.

"How dare you?" I growl

And then she laughs.

A bitter cold laugh that gets me completely confused. But I deny to show it.

I slap her again! Feeling completely angry that she feels accomplished and sees my pain and hurt to be a joke and comedy.

I make sure the slap I give her this time leaves a mark. One that will get some sense into her. A red stinging mark that is caused by the echoing sound bouncing on the walls in the quiet hallway packed with curious eyes and calculating minds that are questioning whatever that is going on.

"How dare you think you can leave my life out there and make decisions for me by saying what you said? You might be my bestfriend, or you were my bestfriend but that doesn't mean you don't have your limits, there's a limit you can't cross when it comes to my life. As you already know and have known for the past seventeen years, I am not stupid. I heard you talking you to some strange guy when I was passing by one of the classes after second period, I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and trust you as a friend even though I know what I heard, because there's one thing I know, that the most painful thing is not being able to explain yourself, that's why no matter what happens and however someone hurts me I try to let them explain and don't hold it out to them. But I am not going to do that for you, cause you crossed your limits and opened old wounds, wounds I've succeeded in covering and helping to heal with my cherry smiles for two freaking torturing years, then you just make one stupid decision and bring all the humiliation and pain back. But I'm glad of one thing, that I never trusted you enough" I snarl

"And where does that leave you? Aren't you a hypocrite then? If you have a friend you can't trust. Forget all I have just done, if I didn't do anything, you still wouldn't trust me. What a hypocrite!" she retorts

"Uh uh uh, you don't get to call me a hypocrite, cause I had trust issues, that's one, and two, you've always been persistent and that had taught me even more not to trust you, you lied and manipulated me, I turn to be completely oblivious to everything around me. But not anymore, because I'm done with you, now next time put two and two together and use that stinking skull you call brain and don't betray me again, now go to hell, while I, never meet you in heaven, chipmunk! Actually, forget it. Chipmunks are cool and loyal. Your history says otherwise." I say and turn around, not even listening to what she has to say

As I approach the school doors, I feel eyes on me and I turn

"Show is over people, so move on ahead and GET A LIFE" I scream and head out

"Silly people" I hiss under my breath

I fish out my keys and run to my car, I enter and send dad a quick text telling him I'm bailing out of school, he quickly replies an okay.

I feel tears pooling in my eyes and looking at the mirror I find my eyes glassy true to my word.

I'm not the crybaby type, but sometimes you just have to let the tears out to keep away from the burning rage.

I drive out of the parking lot heading to the place that has always been my refuge for the past two years.

Authors Note :
Hey guys. Here I am.
What a friend right? Sometimes we shouldn't allow our hatred to get the best of that, Mackenzie did and that has brought her to this stage.
Don't hurt your friends, PLEASE
I will understand when my friend walks up to me and says I don't want you as a friend anymore, but I won't understand the hurt. Ever!
Because some might forgive you while others, might hate you, drastically
And it will just turn into a pathetic feud.
Anyways, that's as just by the way, as you know,
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All the best guys in whatever you do, and sometimes please cry the pain out. Until then...
Samrielhot8 💥💥

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