Chapter 42

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Soon it's Thursday and I have only one paper to finish. Seems like Monique and Tessa are on the planning committee asked me to join them to plan for Prom. So here I am, in the gym, helping them set up everything for the perfect day. Prom Day.

"So what theme should we go with?" Tessa asks. She's actually really cool and nice. So laid back and humble. She's really pretty too. With her shoulder length change red hair and green eyes, she's a beauty.

"Hollywood Ever After" I suggest.

"That's so cool"

"How did you come up with it?" Monique asks after I finish fixing the last balloon needed.

"I have no idea" I giggle.

Since when do I giggle.

"So band of DJ?" Monique encounters

"I think everybody loves a DJ. No one is going to sit on the couch in the corner when their favourite song is booming" I shrug

"So DJ it is then"

"Anything extra? We have some little money left. So what should we get? Food? More decorations or a pool table?" Tessa asks and laughs at her own joke on a pool table.

"Food" Monique chimes in.

Every girl loves her chips and chops so food it is.

"What's with you and that hot guy?" Tessa asks

"You mean Jason?"

Because he's honestly the only hot guy on my list.

"Yes. I heard you guys were together before you left"

"We're still together" I say softly, a small smile playing on my lips. I'm happy that after everything we didn't lose our connection.

They say, "Saying how you feel never ruins a true connection", in my case I guess making some decisions I needed to never ruined the true connection between Jason and I.

"You are?" Monique gasps


"Wow. I'm so happy for the both of you." she squeals, pulling me into a hug

"Guess he never wants anyone that isn't you." Tessa says, smiling

"Okay let's go shopping. It's prom afterall and we are yet to get dresses" I say, wanting to drop the topic. I'm beginning to feel a little uncomfortable being the center of attention.

"Won't you get your hair done?" Monique asks and I shake my head.

"Nope. I'll come here tomorrow anyway. Getting the dresses and shoes is enough for today"

"Okay then. We're going to get ours done. We'll give you a call once done" she says and I nod, making my way to Victoria's Secret. I need a new pair of lingerie.

I see a red laced one, similar to a black one I have in my hands but more revealing. I don't know why I'm even bothering. I'll be the only one seeing it, even though there's a voice at the back of my mind telling me Jason will, I'm not sure we're ready to take that step yet.

Or maybe it's just you


As I'm about to go pay for almost two shopping bags of lingerie, I bump into someone and everything in my hand falls onto the ground. I raise up my head and see Faye.

"I'm sorry" she says and I'm taken aback by her attitude. I thought she was going to snap at me.

"Never mind" I pick up the stuff with her questioning gaze on me. Dirty minds of today, can't a girl buy lingerie to wear. Damn it, from here I'm going to La Perla

"Can we talk?" She asks

"About? Since when did we have to talk?" I turn to her

"Look I'm really sorry. I know I've been a bitch. But that's the only way I knew how. We're going to a rich school you know, and with my dad as the janitor, to be honest I was ashamed, so I even had to treat him badly infront of my so called friends. It wasn't easy, fitting in I mean. It was really hard. I only knew how to by being a bitch. Seth knew my dad and he'd use it against me every time. I'm sorry I've been harsh. I went through depression you know, and I always wear sleeved clothes because I cut myself-" she says and I gasp, not even caring about my stuff on the floor. I'll have to wash these before I use them

"You cut yourself?" I ask, the surprise evident in my voice

"Yeah. For some strange reason it made me feel better. I know I shouldn't be telling you this. I mean after all I've done you could care less. But after the day you stood up to me, believe it or not, I looked up to you. No one ever stood up to me like that, I wanted to be better, for myself. But being mean just became a habbit I couldn't get rid of. A drug I became addicted to. But everything, my hard work, everything came crumbling down to nothing, the day my dad had a heart attack. That's the day I realised my mistake. For my luck he didn't die, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. He wasn't rich, but he was the perfect dad in the world, a dad I'd never have gotten anywhere else. That day my guilt ate into me so much that, I started consuming oxy. Loads of it. I had to go for rehab. So you're not the only one who left Dakota. I did too. I had to fight two things, anorexia and oxy addiction. It wasn't easy. Your dad was the one who helped me, as for mom, she left me to ruin. I thought she was the perfect mom, but she wasn't. I'm really sorry. Really sorry. Most of everything I've done is under her influence. I just hope you can forgive me. If not I wouldn't be able to live with myself." She sobs and my heart goes out to her. Even I am crying, and to think I've gone through a lot, this is nothing compared to hers. I pull her into my embrace immediately. Why didn't anybody tell me any of this?

"We're still sisters remember? I may not like the mother I got. But don't forget, that even though we're step sisters, we're still sisters, and I'll always be here for you"

She pulls out of my embrace and wipe the tears, "Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me" she says and I smile towards her, one that she returns. A few ladies walk by and give us strange glances. I don't blame them, seeing two teenage girls in the middle of a Victoria's secret store shedding tears and smiling towards each other with a pool of lingerie on the ground beneath them is not what you see everyday.

I pick up the stuff and finally pay for them

"So lingerie huh?" Faye teases

"It's not what it looks like" I say and she chuckles

"Jason really loves you" she says and I smile towards her. Not really ready to talk about something that personal

"I came with a few friends. Why don't we meet them up?" I offer

"Sure" she says

Now I've got two sisters.

Could this return get any better?!

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