Chapter 33

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"Hey fam" I greet once I'm home. But the look on my dad's face with my mother sitting on the couch a crying mess stops me dead in my tracks.

"Ok what is going on here?" I ask my dad

"I just found out that your mother has an illegitimate child" my dad says with a pained expression on his face

"She's not an illegitimate child James, don't call her that" she says between sobs

"If she's not illegitimate then what is she? Upon that you have been hiding her from us, meeting her and her dad without my knowledge, how do I know Natalie is even mine?!" He booms

Wait what?

"Ok now everyone is going to calm down because I'm trying to wrap my head around things here. And dad, mom might have a child somewhere else but you and I know that Natalie is yours, so don't bring her into this" I say and he nods his head

"And if I heard clearly, is a she?" I ask mom

"Yeah" she says, sniffing

I take a seat on the couch trying to regain my balance

"Okay, so when were you planning to tell us?" I ask, trying to keep my composure

"The right time" she says and I scoff

"And when the fuck was going to be the right time?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry"

"You have know idea what you're about"

"What's her name?" Dad asks

"Faye, Faye Costello" she says




Hold Up.

Faye Who?

"Excuse me what?" I ask, hoping I heard wrong

"Faye Costello"

"You mean daughter of Erickson Costello?" I ask

"The same one"

"Do you know her?" Dad asks

"Apparently I go to highschool with her and she's not in my good books"

"Why?" Mom asks

"Because she's a bitch" I shrug

"Well that's bad because she's going to be living with us from now on" mom states and I laugh and look between her and dad

"What world are you living in? Oblivion? Because if you've not heard, I don't like her, and before she comes into this house one of us will have to leave, and that won't be me anytime soon. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got assignments to complete" I say and jog upstairs.

Caterina Amber McCann POV

"You know Faye is gonna have to come here sooner or later, Erickson is having some home crisis and she needs to come live with us, so you have to handle your daughter sooner or later" I point out.

There's only little of that brat I can handle

"My daughter? Now this is getting ridiculous by the minute"

"What is getting ridiculous James, you and I know that kid is not my daughter, hell we don't even get along, and you know it. It's high time we tell her before I lose my cool one day, because there's very little of her that I can handle"

"You know what? Do whatever the fuck you want" he bellows

"Deal with her, that's all I'm gonna tell you"

What a family?!

Dakota McCann POV

"Just having some family drama" I tell Jason over the phone

"Wanna talk about it?" He asks

"Maybe tomorrow, right now, not so much"

"I'm right here Kenna, remember I'm your bestfriend first before I'm your boyfriend. Just holler me cupcake"

"Will be sure to take the chance Jay bird" I chuckle

"Bye Kenna"

"Bye Jay Jay" I hung up and smile to myself.

I needed that new spirit.

Now it's time to fight this!

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