Chapter 28

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The night goes on, with dancing and music and food and everything you would wish for at a party. For the first time in a while I feel light. I'm glad Jason and I have settled everything. I don't really know our relationship right now, what we have or what we are. But that's what labels do, they confuse you, and make you ask a lot of questions. So I may not know what we are, but at least I am okay and I can finally say that I am happy, without doubting it and questioning if I really am.

"Don't think that because you finally have him, that is the way it's going to be. Nothing is certain, and Jason will be mine again" golden girl says, appearing in the bathroom that I currently find myself.

"Excuse me? Again? I think you have forgotten that you never had Jason"

"He is not going to do anything with a black bitch like you" she sneers and I snort

"I am not going to slap you right now for being a racist bitch to my face, because I don't want my hand to be tainted with something as unimportant as your racist ass. But if there's one thing I know, is that a black bitch like me doesn't have the insecurities that you have" I say to her, her face flushed and her mouth opened agape. With a satisfied smirk, I walk out, not bothering to look back or wait for a response that is as lame as herself.

"Hey you okay?" Jason asks

"Of course I am. Now where's that party again?" I ask with a wink, and with a laugh, we both walk into the place decorated with lights and music.

At a point I wish the one week stay that we have here didn't end, but I also know that we have a life to return back to and that we can always do this again.

We all cram into Jason's car, the one he asked to be sent all the way here from home so that we can all go back together. The vehicles that we used to bring here were taken back with them. Rich people can do anything they want at the snap of their finger.

"I still can't believe I never met you Dakota until now" Avery says, releasing a short laugh afterwards.

I nod, although his statement causing me to think. Believe it or not, that's how teenage life is. You never know the true meanings of relationships until you become a teenager and realise that keeping a bestfriend is not as easy as when you were five. McKenzie and I are enough proof of that. It also makes me realise that we get to used to the people we see every day and the people in our circle that we tend to forget there are other people that we can relate with and be happy as well or maybe even more. I wonder even though I knew Jason before whatever went down with McKenzie and I, if we didn't have an issue, would I have met all these amazing people that have such a kind heart to accept someone they met so spontaneously like me? By the way, golden girl excluded please!

"At least I have met you all now and that's what matters" I say, and smile towards him

Golden girl snorts before muttering, "Some of us wish we never met you"

Monique gasps, "Sam don't be so rude"

When is she not?

I roll my eyes, deciding not to reply her. She's not worth it. A complete waste of time and breath.

The tension in the car shortly dissipated after Jason turned on the radio and we sang country songs on the way back.

Overall, I enjoyed the trip more than I thought I would have.

"See you at school guys" Monique says and with that, we all part ways, Jason dropping each of them at their various homes.

"I hope you had a good time?" Jason asks, taking my luggage out of the car

"A good time? Jay I had the best time" I squeal, throwing my arms around him for a hug

"I'm glad I'm the reason behind that huge grin on your face"

"Of course" I reply, and lean in to kiss him softly on the mouth

"See you later Jay" I say and with that, I walk into the house.

"Dadddddddddddddddddd!!!!" I scream happily, jumping unto my dad in a tight hug

"Baby you weren't gone for a year" he laughs at my affection

"Yes but I missed you nonetheless" I say, releasing myself from his grip

"I missed you too honey" he says, kissing my forehead

"Where's Natalie?" I ask him, searching around for my baby sister

"Oh she's out with your mom"

"Mom has been going out a lot lately. I thought she decided to work from home due to her maternity leave?"

"Well she says she's going for grocery shopping" he says and I nod, going up the stairs.

Even though I want to tell him that the cupboards along with the fridge and freezer he just opened, are all stocked. But I don't want to be the reason he begins to doubt her, besides, being smart is something I inherited from birth, my father can clearly see the signs of my mother hiding something. If he has decided to ignore it, I'm not the one about to play the eye-opener.

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