Chapter 19

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The day ends quite well with the exotic feeling meeting up with me. I am about to put some books into my locker when a brunette along with a red haired girl bumps into me. The smirk on my face is replaced with a deep scowl as they apologise profusely for what they've just done.

"Don't worry, but next time be more careful" I say and walk to my locker

Jason is really rubbing of me.

Where is he?

My thoughts are half lived when I jump in surprise due to someone arm slung around my shoulder, and I don't need to look up just to see who it is. I've gotten quite accustomed to the mix cologne wooden cinnamon scent.

"Hey cupcake" Jason greets

But I ingnore that and linger in the word he just used

"Cupcake?" I ask

"Don't think too much. It suits you that is why I used it, now come on, let's go grab ice cream" he says with a smile which I return with a smirk

"Well you got me there" I say as he drags me off to the parking lot. A little similar to the last time, he uses his car this time and calls for my to be dropped off at my house. We drive to lick me, the best ice cream parlour in LA. I've always found the name amusing and have always taken a sexual innuendo to it, you can't blame me.

It's always been my favorite ice cream place and how this boy knew that, I don't know, but one thing I know is he's a keen observer and a little bit too full of surprises so I keep to myself and don't ask.

As I take a seat at one booth near a window, displaying all the beautiful parts of the city, I wait and see if Jason will come back with my favorite flavour. Still drowning in my thoughts, I don't get surprised when I get pulled out with Jason handing me a mint flavoured ice cream. Instead I stare at him in awe, but is only for a few seconds not wanting him to realise. But by the look he's giving me I know he noticed and I try to fight the blush.

When did I get like this?

My face welcomes a scowl when I inwardly smack myself for ever thinking I could be happy in a blink of an eye.

I might have moved on, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be seen kissing some boy under the tree head over heels and a goner. It's baby steps.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Jason asks

"Not even a dime"

"So what's your favorite colour?" He asks out of the blue



"Mystery" is all I say


"Hazel" he states looking straight into my hazel eyes as if he's searching my soul

I rid my head off the thoughts


"10th January" I tell

"An after new years gift I see" he says

"16th January" he answers my unspoken question

"We are definitely made for each other" I joke

"Definitely" he chuckles

And for the first time I take notice of the dimples that compliments his perfectly sculpted face

We talk and joke around until it's time to go home

"Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see" Jason says at his attempt of pick up lines us we settle in his car

I laugh and snort unacttractively afterwards

"That is so lame"

I chuckle again

"I know right. And you should laugh and smile more often, it's suits you"

I immediately wipe the smile of my face and feel guilty when I see Jason's disappointed expression as if he's said something wrong

"I'm sorry, just wasn't expecting you to say that"

"I understand" is all he says

And in that moment, I know he does understand. So I don't go all caveman on him like the last time he made that statement. Remembering it I shudder, sometimes I overreact.

I put on the music player in his car, connecting my phone to his stereo, I play my current favorite song

Dream it possible by Delacey

And I know, me wanting to move on, and me being able to, will soon be just a used to be dream.

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