Chapter 46

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"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this year's prom by Weinstein High. Have a quality time and enjoy the evening" a speaker says from the podium. I get up to get a drink for both Jason and I and guess who I see? Mackenzie and Seth.

"Oh hey Dakota" she greets and I look at her as though she has lost her mind.

Oh hey Dakota, as if we are friends. The nerve she has.

"Not now Mackenzie, I don't have time for your stupid games. It's a happy night. Let me just enjoy it" I say and grab to solo cups filled with punch.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry alright. Throwing Ron's death in your face like that, for making you feel humiliated. For betraying you. For everything" she says

"Well I'm over that now."

"Can we be friends again?" She asks with a hint of hope in her voice

"No. I'm sorry but we can't. I trusted you Brookes, and you threw it in my face. Tell you what, my trust doesn't come with a refill, once it's gone, you'll never have it again. And if you do, it's never going to be the same. Remember that" I begin to walk off when she yells

"Oh so that bitch Faye can be your bestie bestie, but we can't be friends again? Well then go to hell! Not like I cared anyway" she says, catching the attention of people around her.

This girl is always going about making a scene.

"Faye is my sister Mackenzie, for you information, so you watch the way you talk about her" I says and she scoffs

"You are so ungrateful you know. I did everything for you. I was always there for you. But what did you do, you threw my friendship, love and care in my face by taking away the first guy that I ever loved! I loved him Dakota. I did. And you couldn't even do me a simple favour as your bestfriend by leaving him to me"

"How was I suppose to even know that you loved him? Besides, Ron was my boyfriend and there was no way I was going to leave him for you"

"Everything always comes so easy to you. Money, Family, Friends, Relationships, they all come so easy to you. You were just a greedy bitch Dakota. I asked for one thing, just one thing and that was for you to leave Ron for me!"

"You didn't ask me for anything"

"I did. You refused to see the signs!"

"You sound unreasonable"

"I guess that's why I did the unthinkable. I killed Ron." she says and I gasps, as well as everyone else. The music now turned off completely, all eyes and ears focusing on our conversation.

"If I didn't have him no one else would. I was so sick of seeing the both of you together all the time. Poor Ron wasn't suppose to die, you were. But I missed. But trust me Dakota, I may have missed then but I won't miss now" she says and out of nowhere, she pulls a gun at me, and everyone scrambles back.

The two cups in my hand falls down to the floor, spilling fruit punch on my clothes and the floor.

"Dakota!" Jason yells, coming to me, just when she pulls the trigger, and the gun goes off.

Everything happens so fast.




Chapter 47:

"Are you okay?" Jason asks once we are in the hotel room he booked for the night because I didn't want to go home like this.

"Mhm. I just can't believe that she did it, but after everything that's happened these past months, nothing surprised me anymore"

"It's all for the best" he says and I nod, knowing he's right.

It just makes me a stronger and better person.

"I love you" he says and I smile, my heart flattering upon hearing the words

"I love you too"

At the end of the day, I ended the night with my special person by my side. That's what matters.

"Goodmorning" Jason greets, drawing circles on my back. This is the first time I've ever slept in the same bed with him and honestly, I love how comfortable I feel

"Morning" I yawn, covering my hand with my mouth

He moves in to kiss me but I shake my head.

"Morning breath"

"Is that a thing?"

I nod

"Well I don't mind" he says and without another word from me, connects his lips with mine in a slow sensual kiss.

"Now that's a proper wake up call" he says and I laugh

"I asked Faye to bring you some clothes you can change into. Get dresses so I can treat you to breakfast" he says and I nod, pecking me on the lips once more.

"Sir what can I get you?" A waitress says, smiling seductively and purring at Jason. Has she even noticed me?

"What would you like to have baby?" He asks and the waitress glares at me

"Do you have a problem with my girlfriend?" Jason asks, noticing her unfriendly stare

"You mean this black bitch is your girlfriend?" She asks and I gasp

"Excuse me? You know what? I've had enough with people insulting my colour. I am proud to be a black woman and I'm not going to let anyone disrespect me for it. So yes, this black bitch you're seeing is his girlfriend and I hope you have no problem with that because there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Black is bold, brave and beautiful. Qualities you clearly lack. Tell your manager that we will have breakfast somewhere else. I've lost my appetite" I say and get up and head out, but sparing another glance back

"Babe!" Jason calls after me

"Don't feel bad about what she said. I love you just the way you are and that's what matters. Their opinions don't matter" he says and I nod.

"Besides, you stood up for yourself pretty well" he pecks my lips "I love you"

"I love you too."

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